XboxEra Community Hangout |OT11| It Goes To 11!

Death Stranding is another good shout.

If it’s Playstation I definitely think it would involve a IP where they either:

  • a) don’t fully own it (e.g licensed or exclusivity deal) or
  • b) was developed by a external studio.

I don’t think Death Stranding would warrant the shock that Nick & Jon provided, nor would Demon Souls.

In my personal opinion the only reason it would not meet that criteria is if it’s a IP where it relies on a online playerbase (E.G the upcoming rumoured Horizon MMO).

For Nintendo I just don’t see them doing any kind of deal as their consoles are more reliant on exclusivity (minus maybe Bayonetta?).


I guess if it was any Sony game it would be a big deal because “OMG Sony game coming to Xbox” but if it was Horizon of any kind I think it would also be a “OMG” for a few days and then people would quickly move on, the Horizon franchise has weird energy, like it sells well but it’s like people don’t give a shit about it

As for DS, it’s already on PC and was on GP so I don’t think it warrants that reaction, even as someone that adores it


I noticed that too, Horizon has had a bad shake really.


If it was a Sony game I’d imagine it would be because of something either beyond their control like licenses or because it best suits the game like GaaS/MMO etc One of their “bangers” doesn’t make sense outside of that so to me it comes down to

  1. GaaS type thing, which I’m still not sure would create that much attention, they don’t even have any of those right now so unless it was something new like Fairgame$ it wouldn’t even make sense

  2. Something license related which again they don’t have that many of so far, Spiderman, Wolverine and future Marvel stuff, definitely would qualify but I dunno, I just can’t see it happening

  3. A new game from some major IP and this could be basically bloody anything :phil_lmao: is it another license, a major gaming IP that’s been dormant etc

Or maybe Nick is just spreading more fake news as always :phil_unsure:


The amount they have to sell to break even on some of these games is pretty rough


The leaks were definitely eye opening and it’s only going to get worse but they are a major selling point for Sony, I can’t imagine Sony willing to let them go unless it was beyond their control


Yeah, I kinda doubt it’s any Sony stuff anyway. When people get excited about stuff more often than not it’s more like a ‘that’s cool, but not as big as I expected’ kinda thing. For example, FF7 Rebirth hitting on Xbox could easily fit the criteria.


They would be so damn epic, and I’d be sitting there like

It really would be damn good if Xbox DID get something in return, assuming the SoT and HFR rumors are true. A good trade!


I don’t think it’s something from Sony either and I don’t think FF coming is big enough to garner that reaction anymore


Having now watched the episode, I think it has to be something Playstation. Nick sounded like the blowback wouldn’t be worth it, and while Nintendo fans can be a bit much, Playstation fans are on a whole other level. I don’t think Nick wants to deal with death threats and being doxxed for weeks. :sweat_smile:


Watch it be Forespoken. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Okay, everyone, let’s sign a pact right here: all community questions for next week should be, “So what game is it, Nick?”

In all seriousness though, props to whoever DMed Nick there. Dropping an apparent bombshell mid-podcast like that.


Me neither, there is quite a few exclusive Square titles on Nintendo too but I don’t think anything from Square would warrant such a reaction.


Well, FF7R and FF16 are a big deal, if that’s the case.


Big deal but I don’t think they’d be controversial


If only I knew their definition of controversial. Controversial that they’re releasing a banned game. Controversial that a first party from another platform is coming. That’s what I would like to know,

Yeah, this. The only controversial things I can see are something very associated with another platform which would set off the fanbase. FF is not that, it has been talked about for a long time.

It would have been easier if we knew from where the game is coming though… Nintendo games, can they even be controversial? Uproar in pre-schools all over the world or what?

It could be Spider-Man, but that would mean Indy and Blade goes to the crazies as well.

Death Stranding? Meh, allready been on GP.

I think it could be one of the Sony GaaS-games, probably that Horizon game.


I kept using the word ‘controversial’ based on their reaction. Can’t remember if they actually used that word? Maybe I should have used a better word like ‘surprising’ to describe their reaction. :flushed:


They never actually said controversial but that the internet would go nuts basically, no banned game is doing that

It’s either a new game from some major IP or it’s something “controversial” like a Sony game going to Xbox, they are the only things that make sense based on what they said

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Jesse if you had to choose one word to describe the game coming to Xbox what would it be? :innocent:

Controversial? Shocking? Surprising? …

