XboxEra Community Hangout |OT11| It Goes To 11!

Xbox Genesis :sweat_smile:

ā€œifā€ Xbox buys Segaā€¦ (Dreamcast gets canceled out for being part of the GameCube, PS2, Xbox generation)

Xbox Master System (1)

Xbox Genesis (2)

Xbox Saturn (3)

Xbox (4)

Xbox 360 (5)

Xbox One (6)

Xbox Series (7)



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Honestly if Iā€™m Phil and I just bought Sega then Iā€™d also buy Atari and Pong just for the hell of it and call my next console ā€¦

Xbox X (10)

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You donā€™t have to go to those lengths to do that.

Xbox Series EX and Xbox Series US (Xbox Sex and Sus)

Fun fact. It happened years ago.


LOL. Iā€™ve loved the whole ABK acquisition as itā€™s just gone to show how little overlap there is between gaming circles and business/corporate circles. In nearly every case of an acquisition the board of the company is dissolved and those people leave. Theyā€™re all very high paying positions(thanks to bonuses) that unless the parent company wants to retain them for a high position within their own company are let go. In 2021 thanks to his bonus Bobby Kotich alone earned $150m which is more than Satya Nadella earned that year.

I agree. And it happens in so many consumer product companies like Samsung and LG that no one cares . It would simplify the name and allign it into the future without confusing people.

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Honestly, I donā€™t get where the perception comes from that numbering is the way to go. Sony is actually the outlier in the console naming scheme. Iā€™m fine with quirky names like dreamcast, switch or 360.


I bet Sony will give away an arm and a leg for a game with 40 hr avg per player


Itā€™s not even just that , but game would also generate dlc revenue . I know itā€™s a polarizing game, but many devs wish for their games to average 40+ hours of playtime .

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There goes ā€œpeople only play a minuteā€ narrativeā€¦


Power Your Dream(s)cast


Good point. Nintendo never did it, nor Sega or any other manufacturer before Sony and the PlayStation 2.

I remember the discussion around the time of the 360 launch, people were saying it was to avoid having a lower number than PlayStation, but I donā€™t remember Microsoft ever saying that. To be fair, it doesnā€™t make sense for them to admit that, but I think them doing it just to avoid having it be 2 alongside Sonyā€™s 3 is basically an urban legend.

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Honestly, I prefer unique name route that every other manufacturer went with. I think Playstation numbered consoles work because ā€œPSā€ name itself has major brand recognition and has a ring to it. Meanwhile, it would sound kind of awkward with xbox numbered console. It seems weird to say XB2, XB3ā€¦ or even saying Xbox 2, Xbox 3, Xbox ā€¦

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I hesitate to even venture a guess, but Iā€™m certain itā€™s in the double digits. Twenty sounds too high, but 10+ for sure.

Several of my most-wanted improvements involve the shipbuilder. I want to be able to:

  • save in-progress builds
  • have an interior ship preview
  • decorate the interior, outpost-style (sounds like something like this is coming)
  • invert the controls in the shipbuilder
  • not move everything into the cargo hold when having only painted the ship (bonus points if it can also be avoided when exchanging parts that donā€™t impact the interior, like engine or grav drive)

Obviously Iā€™m showing my age since kids (like my 8 year old) wonā€™t care that there will be 10 console generations. Iā€™m really only kidding about buying pong and Atari. But Iā€™m at least half serious when I say that a Sega acquisition should lead to them calling it Xbox 8. Itā€™s been years of hearing annoying arguments about how Xbox should adopt the PlayStation naming scheme. If all of a sudden Xbox finds themselves 8 generations deep and PlayStation is on 6 generations deep. Well that would be an interesting turn of events. How would PlayStation handle the names if the shoe is on the other foot. :joy:



Obviously the xbots have had the game running since launch to skew the average.

Xbox (2026)


I too am curious what naming convention theyā€™ll go with for the next Xbox. My vote would beā€¦Xbox: The New One and Xbox: The New One Lite. :smile:

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