XboxEra Community Hangout |OT| Safe Space no longer required (Part 1)

ryan reynolds facepalm GIF

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10$ per month is gold right? year is around 120$ + 70$ game (even 60) = 180 which is GPU full price per year.

Two full price games are at least 100$ (each for 50$) or 140(if for 70$). So by that calculating Gold should cost 5-6$ per month.

tessa thompson omg GIF


Iā€™m giving up.


I agree itā€™s weak, but it is a dead service walking and I think we all know it.


Yes of course. Thatā€™s why it needs either a resurrection or be put down. This in-between is just embarassing. Kill it now.


People need to let Live Gold go, itā€™s clear Microsoft already has and the main focus right now is trying to figure out a way to drive Gold subs to GamePass subs without:

  • Increasing the price of Gold because THAT went so well last time
  • Outright killing the Gold/Live service dead and forcing people to switch to GamePass
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eh, Iā€™ll take free games (essentially) until itā€™s gone, I donā€™t care if theyā€™re embarrassed or not.


You know what I mean :wink:

Awww, too bad itā€™s not the regular EA Play, because we would have had the game then!

Nothing embarrassing. It certainly wonā€™t be resurrected but I am pretty sure it will be killed by the next year. I am more curious why people donā€™t want to subscribe to Game Pass Ultimate though.

The problem is that we know and I bet the Xbox wing of Microsoft knows that Gold needs to die and the value propisition for XGP and Ultimate will make people switch on its own (Heck Iā€™d argue dropping gold would make people spend more on content). Thereā€™s no real need to ā€œforceā€ customers to make the switch.

Iā€™d imagine Itā€™s just convincing the bean counters at MS in general that the short term financial pain of dropping the gold service as XGP is going to bring in much more revenue in the future is the hard sell to Microsoft as a whole. Especially in a year where they might not be getting as many Series X/S consoles out into the market as they would like due to the pandemic and semiconductor shortage.


What if they remove GwG and swap them over to GamePass Perks?

It would be a good way to keep people in Gamepass that you get ā€œFreeā€ games to keep with the service, even if the free games offered are a little on the crusty side.

There will ultimately be some type of transition like that, but it wonā€™t be for a while. There are too many gold subscription cash flows to cut off. Need gamepass to gain users at a consistent pace where MSFT is confident enough to make a dramatic change to their core components of revenue.

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It will die in time. I think that when Game Pass reach 50 mil. or at least the same amount as Gold subscribers, they will merge Gold with the basic Game Pass - maybe slightly increase the price like for 1$ or something, while Game Pass Ultimate at that stage will have Ubisoft, EA and so on.

I personally think that they should drop Games with Gold altogether. There were some many opportunities - that still exist even like Gold conversion - to switch to Game Pass Ultimate and if the people did not do that then I have no idea what are they thinking. In fact I suspect that all new Xbox users - or at least the most of them - are Game Pass subscribers.

In fact if they make multiplayer free -and they will in the future - Gold wonā€™t be needed at all.

Because not everybody is interested in the service? Im subscribed to it cause of the Gold aspect (plus I snagged a year for $80) but right now gamepass has like 300 games and If IM interested in like 10 games its a stretch.

Well, if you are not interested now maybe you will interested in the future. It is your choice in the end. Maybe you will sit till the multiplayer is free anyway or wonā€™t continue the subscription. I mean if you donā€™t even want to use gold conversion I donā€™t even know what to say.

I would personally kill GwG and call it a day.

Cant kill GwG because there are probably more people subbed to regular gold than gamepass and killing it means that it offers less than its direct competitor for the same price (even if the games are fodder).

I am pretty sure that those are on Gold are careless about free games and more into multiplayer itself. There is literally no solid reasoning not to have Game Pass when you pay for gold. Especially with the third parties coming and new MS games.

I know some people who are say that they rather die than switch to Game Pass, but such people are rare.

This forthcoming platform/OS update will tell us more.