XboxEra Community Hangout |OT| Safe Space no longer required (Part 1)

I’ve always heard it pronounced “Roy-ters”.


Can we all just watch the pre-halo gameplay cinematic again? The thing they opened the showcase with?

It SO good. The tone, the music, the visuals and the writing is so damn touching. I want more things like this.

(It’s at 30:15 if the time stamp doesn’t work)


It’s this video here. And I agree it’s one of the most beautiful trailers ever made. Just perfect


So hyped for halo infinite


You and me both man. There is no game I am more hyped for. Only a GTA VI announcement from Rockstar could change that and even then it would be close!

Yeah, the trailer was a real mood setter for me. It’s a good job I can tide myself over with Halo 5 and the MCC until I get my grubby hands on Halo Infinite.

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Well, im 42, single with no kids and I live alone so outside of work which for me is slow right now, I have a lot of time. Once Christmas/New Year’s ends and January hits, im usually off 90% of the month because work is extremely slow.

As long as I receive the Series X next week (my order is still listed as pending on the Microsoft Store), I should be able to go through Watch Dogs Legion within 7-10 off days because I see the game isn’t that long or massive but normal Ubisoft games.

Gears 5 Hivebusters DLC is a single play session so half a day. Same for Bright Memory. Gears Tactics would probably be between 10-14 off days because it’s a slow paced turn based strategy RPG.

Immortals would probably be 10-14 off days and Valhalla would probably be around 14-21 off days since I know the game is massive.

My estimated time to complete everything above excluding Valhalla would be by that first week in February right when Outriders releases even though im expecting it to get delayed a few months but we’ll see. If Outriders doesn’t get delayed, that will be played before Valhalla especially if it’s a disc based purchase.

Currently, only Watch Dogs Legion was purchase on disc which take priority over digital game purchases as once im done with the game, I will trade it in and I have zero interest in the post launch content for WDL. Coincidentally, WDL is the game that im the least hyped to play out of all those backlogged games I listed except for Bright Memory since it’s just a demo.

By March or April at the latest, I will be all evened out and caught up with all the Xbox Series X games that I will be playing and by this time, the first expansions should be released or right around the corner for Immortals and Valhalla. Once May hits, I will buy a PlayStation 5 so I can play Miles Morales and trade that in while waiting for the next exclusive that I want to play which as of now is Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart.

Excluding Outriders, none of the games on my 45 future games list has a release date yet so im thinking that early 2021 and possibly the first half of 2021 will be very slow and barren for me personally which is fine as I can use all this time to catch up on everything and eliminate having a backlog because in general, once I even it all out, backlogs are done for me because once a game goes past several months and in turn years, I lose interest in playing the game plus there’s always new games that I want to play instead.

I’m expecting the second half of 2021 to potentially be stacked so I definitely want to make sure that im all caught up as quickly as possible.

None of this includes Cyberpunk 2077 as I already own it digitally but I will wait for the next gen upgrade before playing it.

Huge bummer.

EDIT: Oh, Nevermind.

Xbox Really REALLY needs a dedicated app for sharing and viewing all your screenshots/clips. I dont care what they do but the current system is terrible.

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Hey is Xbox only allowed to make live backgrounds on series x/s or can any developer do it. Why do few? I know it’s new but I thought we would have more or game repeated ones by now

The mobile app integration barely works half the time, the current area where they are is always glitched and giving errors preventing sharing, uploading to xbox server and more. Plus navigating through it is terrible.

What is the issue you guys are having the app on videos and screenshots? It works perfectly for me.

I just checked mine again and amazingly it’s working now! Before, I would see the captures listed fine, but when clicking on them individually, I’d just get a sad face emoji, not my actual screens/vids.


Oh weird. I never have that. Sorry.

I was just playing Gears 5 Hivebusters on Xbox Series X with 4K 60FPS HDR and Dolby Atmos, and oh man, the Coalition really doesn’t get the appreciation they deserve. That was an amazing experience.


Was just thinking playing the first 2-3 chapters how good a horror game from them would be.

Also dont click on shrink game for Gears 5 in the Library Menu. Went and uninstalled everything like Multiplayer and Hivebusters.

Three chapters in, Cold War is probably the best Call of Duty campaign I’ve played since the first Black Ops.

And damn, this game does certainly look next-gen.

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