XboxEra Community Hangout |OT| Safe Space no longer required (Part 1)

Welp…there goes my Xbox Series X order from the Microsoft Store. They cancelled it because they could process the payment source despite the fact that I have almost the double the amount of credit on my card. I just don’t get it. I can’t this fucking thing for shit. Such a load of crap. SMH.

Most likely your bank denied it as a suspicious transaction. Happens all the time unfortunately

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Ya it was a great campaign but the first Black Ops is still my Favorite

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Shit. I’m so sorry to hear that.

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Aww shit…

Hello friendly forum folk, my friend is having an issue where every time he turns off the Series X (instant on mode, doesn’t switch off at wall) it logs him out and he loses his quick resumes. Anyone else seen this?

unfourtainly I use the energy saving mode, so I cant comment on it

A bit of an aside, does anyone know how to take private screenshots? My account got actioned (not banned or suspended, just a reputation hit and content removal) for screenshotting one of the “Milfguard” posters in Cyberpunk. I only screenshotted it because it was a funny reference to Witcher (One of the groups of people are known as the Nilfgaard) and I wanted to download it to my phone. Can you not just mark images as NSFW (and even then the content is very light NSFW tbh)? Just curious, thanks.

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Ayy Dragon Quest 11 support cast is funny I love Veronica :smiley:

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In your account settings on the xbox under privacy and online safety you can limit who can see your captures to everyone, friends or only you.

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Thanks! :slight_smile:

They didn’t give you a chance to update payment before they cancelled?

Maybe its different in Canada. But when the MS Store first tried to take money for my Series X it didnt go through but they held and just asked me to update payment info,then they attempted again and it went through.

We’re you keeping an eye on your order? As with me they did send out an email to say there was a problem with the payment.

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While the Microsoft Order is cancelled and gone, I was able to buy a Series X bundle off GameStop last night for a total of $800 and some change. It says that the release date (lmao) is 01/05/2021. So basically two and a half weeks from now. I should receive it 2-4 business days after it ships.

I was going to buy a Series X off ebay because yeah, im getting pissed off and just want the damn thing but since GameStop had a bundle with an extra controller, NBA 2K21, AC Valhalla and 3 months of Game Pass Ultimate, I figured that for the same price, im better off going with GameStop.

Once I hopefully receive everything, I will try to return the additional items to get back my money but if I can’t do that, I’ll just trade them in to lessen the cost of the console and overall purchase itself.

I can say this with no doubts - this is the first, last and only time that I have or will ever try buying a console at launch or close to it. The soonest that I have ever purchased a console was 6 months after launch with PS4. Everything else has always been a year or later. This should probably tell me something, huh? lol.

They told me to update my info around the 1st after I ordered it and I did. The pre-authorization was on my Discover CC account on the 7th and 8th and I didn’t get any other emails so im thinking that all was well but obviously not.

Hopefully, I don’t have any issues with GameStop but I wouldn’t be surprised if I do as nothing has gone my way since late October. For whatever reason, it’s like im not meant to have the damn thing. I currently have $995 of credit on my Discover CC so I shouldn’t have any issues whatsoever but we’ll see.

If anything, I think it’s the pre-authorization that’s causing issues because whenever I buy something straight out, it just goes through completely. If the GameStop order doesn’t go through, then fuck it, im done until the Spring as im not going to keep going nuts with this bullshit.


Yo is anyone else still playing Valhalla, I’m coming up to 50 hours and gotta say that the music in this game fucking great. Like 9.5/10. Anybody else feel the same?

I finished it after 83 hours.


I’d agree with that for overall score, but the music itself is one of the stronger parts imo.

Well and wubsi daisy I’m a dragon quest fan lol.

This game has to be the most charming game I ever played in a long time. So many lovely characters and sometimes really funny dialogue! You can tell the actors had a lot fun to voice this game.

Could dethrone the FF7 remake and the second place for my games of the year :slight_smile:

Funny all my nominated games are JRPG’S this year xD Xenoblade Chronicles DE is unbeatable.

One of the few games that’s make me smile :slight_smile:

Playtime around 15 hours now

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No surprises here. :slight_smile:

Ho can you tell?:wink:


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