XboxEra Community Hangout |OT| Safe Space no longer required (Part 1)

As I mentioned here, nothing to do with price of gears dlc in particular.

Ok, well my point stands for every game available on XGP.

Yes, I know Xbox as a platform cares about those others as well, but I said “xbox audience” here. I meant to say those who are in gamepass wanting others to get into gamepass if the retail version isn’t valued right to them, rather than wishing the retail version be valued better. This almost evangelical nature is not something me as an xbox gamer wants. I’m not gonna be like “well Im on gamepass, its good for me” and turn a blindside to all those who aren’t in it and might be getting bad value, that’s all. I wish for that sort of an audience who is accomodating for both and not just treat everyone as also equally wanting to be invested in gamepass.

To me, Gamepass isn’t the future, the option of it is. And there’s such incredible power in that choice, something services like Netflix and the like don’t value anymore. Xbox, by all its recent admissions values that, and that’s why I care about this to this degree.


It would be turning a blind eye if those people couldn’t join Game Pass. But they can. They’re choosing not to. That’s on them.

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Thanks. Immense interest. Crazy deal.

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I hear you, like I game with some that aren’t interested in gamepass. I do feel there in a good spot regardless because there hasn’t been a xbox studio game that wasn’t available on retail since they all seem to be available to purchase. Also like I said once those 23 studios start churning out games it’s going to be a good platform for non gamepass subscribers, and even better for gamepass.

Also most retailers I go to still advertise xbox games, so I don’t think that will change. I do feel bigger elephant in the room is the value of xbox live gold because i’m not seeing much these days since it seems gamepass has cannibalized games with gold quality. Plus, forcing it for F2P is a bigger issue i have with platoform, but that’s a bit OT i guess

I honestly don’t care either way. If the dlc is too expensive for you, either don’t buy it (you have that right), or complain (you also have that right). But I would suggest directing your complaints to the company that releases the dlc and not users on a message forum.

Ohh I thought so, well in this case I agree.

I do agree that the Hivebusters DLC is quite expensive if it is indeed just a 3-hour campaign. I believe Microsoft inflates the price a bit to encourage people to subscribe to Game Pass Ultimate instead – it is better to pay $15 for a month (or $1 for three months if it is your first time) to play the DLC + other games instead to pay $20 only for the DLC itself.

Plus, if you are already a Game Pass subscriber and don’t want to upgrade to GPU, you can pay $18 instead.

Is anybody else getting a problem where their controller (elite 2 in my case) won’t connect when turning the console on? The light will be on and after re-pairing nine of the inputs do anything. Only fix I’ve found it to hard reset.

There are two known issues that are being looked at as far as I know:

  1. The controller turns off right after you use it to turn the console on;
  2. The controller de-syncs and the console’s sync button doesn’t work, requiring a hard reset.

I’ve stumbled across both problems with my Series X controller, it doesn’t seem to be an Elite-specific issue.

I haven’t had this problem but it has happened to a friend of mine. He’s had the same problem where his controllers won’t connect occasionally and won’t work until a hard reset is done.

Honestly, $20 3 hour dlc is in-line with the Miles Morales game which was a AAA game of about 7-8 hours for $50, so I don’t see the issue. Especially because you can also just get it in gamepass or wait for a sale if it feels like too much.

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Looks like sony won’t refund Cyberpunk 2077. There are multiple tweets with the same report.

I can report firsthand that Xbox refund was no problem at all and took me about 3 minutes to complete.

That is really a bad look on sony and should be called out.

Honestly is this Sony’s fault? No lol. This is another mess caused by CD Projekt Red on everyone.

How is it cdprs fault when after they said they will do refunds sony the platform holder STILL denies it it is on Sony’s ass their refund policy has always been god awful this is an example of it

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CD projekt red literally threw a statement this morning (Without telling Sony or Microsoft IM sure) saying that people should go and ask for refunds and telling retailers to deal with refunds just cause they said so. Thats not how this works.

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To be fair that isn’t technically on CDPR. CDPR or other devs/pubs could be okay with honoring refunds as a general rule but that doesn’t mean the store selling it will have the same policy. It really isn’t up to them anyway, because if Sony says “your game is broken, we had to refund customers” there isn’t much they can do about. It isn’t like physical retail where the store expects them to take back broken goods and then send them (the store) a refund check. Sony would simply negate the sale when sending CDPR their check.

Your agreement to receive a functioning product is with the store. This is why it is curated and the store takes a cut. MS and Sony are supposed to be making sure these games work before selling it to consumers. MS and Sony are then supposed to work out issues on the back end with the developers.

Fuckkkkkkk I need this so bad.

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Well, Sony let CD Projekt Red sell a faulty product on their store front. Microsoft, Sony and Nintendo are supposed to have a quality control and a certification process to avoid this kind of stuff.

And by “this kind of stuff” I do not mean a game with a few frame drops. I mean a game that is basically unplayable on base PS4 and Xbox One.

Although, to be honest, I do not know if the guy from the tweet qualifies for the refund. You can’t expect to play 30 hours, finish the game and get a refund.