Xbox version of Gal Gun Returns cancelled thanks to the Certification Team

This isn’t about whether it affects anyone or not. It’s about unacceptable material…

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Well if we go by the law it is legal. Therefore it is “acceptable”. Yet this is not the question here. Microsoft is the platform holder and has the right to forbid games.

If it is acceptable or not is up to or opinion.

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If nothing else, MS should have taken this opportunity to help Inti port over the Gunvolt series, Blaster Master Zero series, and Dragon Marked For Death. (If you don’t know, look them up. They aren’t porn. Inti is actually the former developers of Mega Man Zero and they really make amazing retro style games. I consider Blaster Master Zero 2 one of the best games on the Switch eShop. Literally the best $10 ever spent). They’re another case of “Japanese game exclusively not on Xbox”, and I’d hate to see MS and Inti’s meager relationship damaged over Gal Gun. One major reason I was even looking forward to this release was to support an extremely niche Japanese title on Xbox. When I say that, I don’t mean a mid-tier title like Tales of, or Yakuza. Think more like, Touhou Luna Nights. I feel that all this cancellation has done is make the extremely small/niche Japanese developers such as Falcom, Gust, Compile Heart, etc. see Xbox/Microsoft as “hard to work with” and will continue to just ignore the platform. At least offering to help out with Inti’s non-erotic games (such as with a Game Pass deal) would have sent a good message to other small Japanese developers.

And on an additional note, why did MS wait until certification to tell them that this can’t release on Xbox? I’ll bet Inti isn’t happy with wasting time and money on an Xbox port (that is literally completed. )Why not when it was pitched to them? I mean, they allowed PQube to announce it for Xbox , and advertise it for Xbox for months, just to pull the rug out from under them at the last second? Does Xbox really not know what’s getting published on their platform until certification? And if MS’s “strategy” here was to stay silent until certification, just so that Inti would fold due to already spending resources on the Xbox version, then that’s really not a good look.

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I don’t think developers need to pitch every single concept to Xbox to be approved?

I mean it’s very likely the first time they were aware of said content was when it was submitted for certification. Also keep in mind that they didn’t say the game couldn’t release at all.

Edit: oh I just realized this is a remake of a game originally launched on 360. Yeah in this case, it’s strange for Ms to wait up to the last minute to have a change of heart.

They are not censoring nudity for adult persons for example, Sony did that with DMC 5. Here, I understand where they are coming from, it is still under-aged people being sexualized and I think that’s what caused problems; As a US company first and foremost, they are under scrutiny, so I guess they wanted to avoid any troubles down the line. People are trigger happy with legal actions these days.


Considering this is the cert team, I doubt the reason for the game being rejected having to do with its content and more with something technical that the devs aren’t allowed to do. Being told to remove it and just ignoring the cert team and trying to push it forward anyways.

While I absolutely wouldn’t have purchased this game I think this shows that Microsoft isn’t as interested in getting Japanese games on their system as they say they are (whether that’s true or not that’s what this seems to say). It’s a shame, too, since they need more Japanese games on their system.

no major platform aimed at kids will or should ever be “censor-free”


They do not need Gal Gun on their systems.


They need as many Japanese games on their system as they can get.

I don’t agree with the people here that seem to feel like they’re the deciders of what gets released on Xbox. Hell, if it were up to me and I wanted to be petty no Souls-like games would be on Xbox because I think they’re just about the biggest piles of shit out there, but even if it were up to me I’d say release 'em because someone is going to enjoy it and their release certainly isn’t going to hurt anyone.

I’ll stand by “no system “needs” gal gun” for the rest of time. They want it on there the fine. But no system “needs” it and it is no indicator of wanting Japanese titles on the system.

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I personally don’t believe in that they’d get in hot water if this were to come out on Xbox. I don’t see people boycotting or opening lawsuits against the Switch, or Steam, because Gal Gun is still coming out for those. It was also only 2 years ago that Gal Gun was still releasing on Playstation. Didn’t see any lawsuits against Sony, or any Playstation boycotters. The “other” Era in particular isn’t even allowed to talk about Gal Gun, so it’s not like they could cause a storm, either.

Yeah, it would 100% be a non-issue if it released for Xbox. Sure, you might get a couple of Karens upset about it but that happens with literally everything. I’m sure some people are upset about Katamari for some stupid reason, but just because someone has a stupid reason doesn’t mean we should actually devote any time to pretending that their reason isn’t stupid.

I don’t think the problem was with the game as a concept, it sounds like they just couldn’t agree on some changes. It also could have been a technical thing not related to the content.

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The remake was also cancelled for Playstation. First of all, we don’t even know what cancelled the game, there is no sure indication of that. Secondly, MS doesn’t censor everything seeing as nudity for adult men and woment also get a pass. Also, MS is an American company, contrary to Sony and Nintendo, so they will be considering things differently and will be under different scrutiny there.

Valve is American and they are allowing it, as well as far, FAR worse things on Steam. And it was never in development for Playstation in the first place, due to Sony policies changing between 2018 and now.

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Again, we just don’t know the reason it didn’t pass certification. It could be for something completely different, and certainly not enough to say they are going to censor to hell and back, seeing as nothing else got censored. As a console plateform holder, they maybe are hold to different scrutiny and standarts than PC. More kids are also playing there.

I bet Nintendo has the biggest amount of children playing their games, the platform positioning itself to everybody, yet the game is allowed to be there. Have Nintendo ever censor anything? It seems these days they are mostly after copyright…

I presume it is because MS - just like Sony since recently - are american/western companies that are becoming more and more puritan these days regarding the game content.

Clean yourself up, Anime.