Xbox Series S OFFICIALLY CONFIRMED, $299, £249. 512 GB NVME SSD, 60% Smaller than XSX, 1440p up to 120 FPS, Ray-Tracing, All Digital and More

This is just all kinda of amazing.

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One interesting point is that games should load a little bit faster on the Series S due to it having less RAM but the exact same IO speed lol.

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I love how much MS has learnt from the Xbox One. This time round FUD gets dismissed early and completely


Cries in ANZ

Ouch. Sorry. :frowning:

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Add Cries in Southamerican :sob::sob::sob:

SX US 690 SS US 416

After taxes


Since we’re making our way down this list, maybe tomorrow?


So, 2Gb running at the slower speed - that suggests that the OS reservation is down to 2Gb from 2.5Gb for One X?

If you had an idea of consoles prices in Brazil you would cry while listening to Bossa Nova.


I fell you bro

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I was just checking out some headphones for consoles in general and then saw some that set you back 300 euros and then it hit me that it’s the exact cost of this next gen console, it’s crazy. I kinda just never want to buy a 300 bucks headphones ever again after realizing this, haha.

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They better roll down the hill. Glad people busted them



lmaooo imma blast some Joao Gilberto as a tribute to your plight, I feel you, it’s 470 USD for Series S and 680 dollars for Series X here, aint buyin that shit anytime soon.

In that video, the Series S is said to have a 4K hardware upscaler, which is fantastic!

I would like to see how it performs, quality wise. But it even has me considering it for my 4K TV for this Fall. I’d prefer the XSX but that price is irresistible. XSS this year and XSX the next. I host Halo LAN parties so I have 2-4 Xboxes each generation anyways (I’m not rich, I just have screwed up priorities heh).

I’m really interested in what this “advanced hardware upscaler” they reference is as well. Something special for AI based upscaling? Or just a really damn good traditional type of gear?

Github testing says that the BC mode for SS is 1S profile, and not the 1X enhanced mode. That is certainly an interesting note, and a dealbreaker for me. It does have less memory and memory bandwidth than the 1X does, so maybe that is why

Cute system!

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You said in another thread 7 hours ago you’d stop complaining about the Series S. Could you please keep your promise? We get it, it’s not for you. Go somewhere and talk about how great the X is instead of how horrible the S is in your opinion please. Thanks!


I’m not commenting on the Series S - I’m commenting on BC.