Xbox Series S OFFICIALLY CONFIRMED, $299, £249. 512 GB NVME SSD, 60% Smaller than XSX, 1440p up to 120 FPS, Ray-Tracing, All Digital and More

I haven’t searched out the other thread, but this seems a bit harsh. The narrative approach may be grating for you, but I - until now - was unaware the XSS could potentially not run BC games in X Enhanced modes as I would have initially assumed.

If this is indeed the case, it’ll be the first “downside” (albeit absurdly minor) I’ve seen if the XSS is in your personal preference range.


Sorry I would link tweet but I’m at work atm but good news for people looking to trade in Australia


I think there is a legit issue where gaming ‘journalism’ is transforming rapidly into wannabe streamers, where so many are sharing their thoughts off the cuff as hot takes that aren’t actually fact checked and then turn into misinformation for the masses. That isn’t a matter of feeling defensive so much as it is a reality of how a lot of these outlets are trending with their ‘content’.


Just checked GameStop and they are offering $175 trade in for X1X and $75 for X1. Now I’m unsure if I should go for All Access…

It was a fantastic reveal with such great prices! Prices are really good! Doubt Sony will be able to undercut.

MS really handled it extremely well and the response is strongly positive. I have friends now buying a XSX thanks to Xbox All Access and Gamepass Ultimate. They were hard on PS and never bought an Xbox before.

Good work MS you earned new players in the ecosystem.

They really made a great vid of Series S with Jason Ronald. It was clear and concise. Straight to the point and show people its value.

MS are really strong when it comes to surprise people. So keep it up!

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Thankfully you have the option of All access. Honestly I was expecting like 200 off and was shocked seeing that deal.

That video really was great. Jason Ronald comes across really well. Super smart and knowledgeable without sounding pretentious


Little more info.

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It’s no coincidence MS are doing insane deals for English speaking markets. I just hope they’re smart enough to do these everywhere

Per my previous comment, I’d rather stick a fork in my eye that go to EB… BUT… I have two Xbox One X’s here… I could trade them both in and replace with two Series X’s for the (more or less) the price of one… Hmm. Something to chew on.

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Yeah… sometimes I think I know more than most of the so to speak journalists… Some quality control should be done I mean they get paid for their work.

Still there are exceptions to this, only because there are some black sheeps still a lot of them have great coverage


Agree completely, if you are an actual journalist you vet your sources and get facts lined up before you report something. If you are wrong you put out a retraction and admit you were wrong. It is ok to say you do not know, that is how we learn.


That’s the $300 question, really. If it’s hardware based it won’t use AI, unless it’s programmable hardware. My guess is that the solution is baked in.

The other thing being that no one really cared about the UE5 demo being in 1440p. Everyone called it next gen despite the low resolution. It just goes to show how smart this is. Yes, the demo had impressive detail, which you’ll need at least 10TF to crank out, but resolution took a back seat. The XSS could do that demo in 960p and upscale to 1440…would anyone notice?

What if I want to trade in my Xbox One X towards a Series S?

According to this non members would get it for $149. Even cheaper depending on your membership level

So I can trade my one x in to gamestop for $175 and get a series s for $124. Maybe I’ll do that to have one in the bedroom instead of moving my one x.

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Guys if you knew how the response to the XSS with Xbox All access has been incredibly positive. I can’t give you metrics but it is hugely positive!

Lots and lots of people interested and switching or other even considering buying one. A pure shockwave.

A console with next gen framerate at 1440p attracted a lot of new people even some pc gamers.

Really a big splash for XSS it has been received very well. Ultra competitive, insanely aggressive price according to tons of people I know and talked to.

I’m really happy for MS. Now they need to keep the pace and bring the big quality games on a constant pace and they have a win.


Logically no I don’t think anyone would.

Realistically I don’t think the resolution wars were ever reasonable… My suspicion is that as long as the Series X handles things as well as we expect it to the Series S performance will be pretty under the radar regardless of quality. Kind of like how people stopped caring about base console performance once the pro and x were out this gen.

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They don’t do trade ins in the UK I don’t think. I have a PS4, XB1S and XB1X. I’d love to trade them all in for XSX and XSS and pay the difference.

He is quite open for questions so go ahead I love his threads!


He is totally correct about if anything is going to cause ‘issues’ it is the memory of the Series S, but the fact it is targeting a much lower resolution does help alleviate it and the fact developers could always use lower resolution textures and/or models if any issues crop up.

I do also agree with him about the RT situation and that it is ok, as that is what the Series X is for if you want all the bells and whistles. I truly feel Microsoft has built two consoles that serves both ends of the market quite well.