Xbox Series S OFFICIALLY CONFIRMED, $299, £249. 512 GB NVME SSD, 60% Smaller than XSX, 1440p up to 120 FPS, Ray-Tracing, All Digital and More

For the Aussies here who’d be preordering from EB.

Kotaku is on a roll. They also had a really embarrassing article about Flight Simulator where they ranted for pages about cloud computing and not finding the Grasberg Mine :rofl:

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It’s Kotaku so pretty much expected, but can you really take an article seriously when the author seems completely unaware that X1, 1S and 1X are all discontinued with ~zero stock on shelves?

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true, also why are we acting like 1TB is the only option we’ll have? There shall have to be 512 GB and even 256GB variants of that SSD for those who are perfectly fine with adding half a TB or less (for the tons of indies and AAs that Game Pass comes with) to their existing storage at around 100 dollars or even cheaper down the line. SSDs don’t scale linearly in price at least for now, so the more storage you want, the more expensive it shall get, so expect lower storage options to be super reasonable.

All of this presuming Xbox is not gonna be predatory by forcing a 1TB external as the starting line. It makes me wonder, Xbox as a division is a lot smarter in their pricing compared to Microsoft’s other hardware. The newly announced Surface laptop shall start at 600 USD and will have 4GB RAM and 64GB storage, like what tf are they even thinking? Oh well, they confuse me sometimes lol

I’d rather set my face on fire than shop at EB. I’m amazed that they’re still in business when most EB’s have a JB Hi Fi just around the corner selling everything for less…

Because that’s where all the parents go unfortunately

I only buy consoles from EB. But yeah if it wasn’t for the mums/dads/unawares they’d have gone out of business a long time ago.

Their Wasteland 3 review also had some BS claims that you get to start questioning if they even played the game.

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Hey, depends on who is awake but jez cordon tweeted “30 mins” about 10 minutes ago. No hint to what it is but you may want to stay awake if you are a Aussie. Could be Sony or Microsoft news incoming.

There won’t be 256GB variants. 512 would already be a surprise, but plausible.

But price is key. At one point Series S ans extra space will be as expensive as Series X

The quoted SSD model Ms is using is actually rated at 3.5GB/s.

Ms said they made modifications for consistency and that the 2.4 figure is below the peak but the one that they can sustain over all scenarios.

It doesn’t matter if it’s a big continuous file, or thousands of small files, or how many requests are made, or which temperature the system is running at. The ssd is always able to deliver 2.4GB/s.

In some of the tech interviews Jason said that’s what they are even telling developers. That they can assume a minimum 2.4GB/s no matter the compression rate, no matter the state of the game or the system.

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i need price in my 3rd world country pls.

This falls in line with my perception of most of the console comparisons. Xbox has been showing “minimum” performance specs (SSD seed, GPU TF, RT, etc.) where Sony has been showing what I’m reading as “theoretical peaks”.

My aging hobbyist-level of hardware knowledge is quickly diminishing so I’m still thinking in a 5 to 10-year-old mindset. But from my current experience working with vendors and 3rd party providers in my line of work, Microsoft’s approach is very tech specific and measurable where Sony is more “dude, trust us” wink-wink salesman stuff that sets off my red flags for product acquisition.


379 for the S and 599 for the X in Canada is such a damn good price. Way better then the ex rates had me fearing!

There’s also an Inside the Series S official video up now.


So after all the FUD in this thread with no RT, less SSD bandwidth we now have official specs and see none of that was even slightly the case. The video above also confirms hw-accelerated RT.


Great video! Lots of clarification on how the S matches with the X, and they showed game play on the Series S, too! I personally was skeptical about Gears being 120 on this when S was “announced” yesterday. That was entirely due to my ignorance and assuming the CPU would be trimmed a bit as well. I’m still all-in on Series X, but the S at this price point is really impressive!


And what he said!!!

Not even surprised. You only need to watch them watching Xbox events to see how low their general knowledge is on most things Xbox.

I know more than them and I’m only slighty paying attention. It’s kind of embarrassing that it seems cusorsy research before speaking is obviously not their strong point.


I love the level of detailed information provided. The project started back in 2016, and four years later, the hardware team has delivered on everything that was targeted.


Price or power.
