Xbox Series S OFFICIALLY CONFIRMED, $299, £249. 512 GB NVME SSD, 60% Smaller than XSX, 1440p up to 120 FPS, Ray-Tracing, All Digital and More

Can y’all chill? It was an incorrect (and admittedly bad) message from a listener that was later corrected. They don’t have some axe to grind and Greg (the host) is constantly rooting for Xbox and MS to succeed. I would hope the defensiveness doesn’t stick around.

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This is now my biggest fear and a good way for MS to lose any pricing benefit it has over PS5.

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that could be CAD but also its a next gen SSD with custom firmware so id expect that price based on NVME prices


I can careless about console wars. I don’t care if he roots for xbox or playstation, it’s his prerogative. I just want information to be correct. He had me taking out a calculator to find out what is right or wrong.


MS have got to feel the regret of not having it ready. I’m still stunned that it was not the no1 target to get done.

But thats for the past it will now arrive when it’s ready. Still what could have been if they had it ready to go for launch.

Still no Australian price. $400+ wouldn’t look nice next to all the announced prices so I guess they will wait.

surley be $399 here hopefully

I’m finding it a bit weird we haven’t had the price announced yet…

It was the No 1 target to get it done. That’s why they moved so many people to assist on Halo Infinite. In the end, it was all just too much with working-from-home, feedback on visuals etc. and the only Halo game that would’ve helped Xbox this Holiday is a complete and quality product — and for Halo Infinite to be that, the campaign team in particular simply needs more time.


I seriously doubt not having Halo at launch is going to affect much at all, the people who buy the console at launch are the hardcore and are going to buy it regardless. I still call the entire next year as the “launch” window for the brand new consoles so in my view it’s still hitting the launch window. Halo being a 2021 game does nothing to the launch of XS X|S, now, of course, some people will wait till Halo is out then buy the console but does a console sale in late 2020 or late 2021 really matter…? not really.

The $299 price for XSS is going to be that “system” seller that people always say when it comes to games. Can you bloody imagine a $199-$249 XSS black Friday Halo bundle next year… that would be insane. People underestimate how well this $299 console is going to be viewed at this Xmas, even more so during COVID times.

If Halo did launch with the $299 console, obviously that would have been epic and sealed the deal for many people. But I’m not worried at all that XSS isn’t going to sell because Halo isn’t there.

Like you said I would rather a full complete Halo then one rushed out the door and done poorly because that would be forever scarred. You’d have an Anthem all over again where people just don’t care about the game. If Anthem 2 was announced and it looked insane people wouldn’t buy it because of the first game and being burnt.

It was the number one target. Hence they put turn 10 on it.

I keep seeing concern over SSD prices, I feel many are ignoring the fact that SSD pricing shall drop a lot in the coming years and these companies have a good reason to subsidise that on some level, especially Microsoft and AMD and Nvidia on the PC side. I do know they’re currently pushing for a singular proprietary SSD and that’s a bummer compared to PS5s many third party options imo, even though they might certainly be more expensive, but they’re also not gonna sell a 512 GB console from what we know of.

But yeah, I feel a 100 dollar 1 TB SSD expansion is where it shall come at eventually and that’s probably fine?

So I’m going with a $500 price for the XSX, the PS5 and $450 for the PS5 Digital

Safe bet

When comparing the various new machines, you can tell that there is deliberation in each SSD choice. In particular, why MS went with an SSD that is “only” capable of 2.5GBps when the average in 2020 is around 3.5GBps. My conclusion: cost / performance ratio. This is needed not only to keep console prices down, but also xCloud server blade costs as well.

So not only will they benefit from falling prices across all SSDs (meaning manufacturing effeciencies and cheaper components), they are already going with a relatively affordable solution. For this reason I highly doubt that “leaked” price for the SSD expansion. My expectation is $149 USD at launch.

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I would assume that we are looking at 449 dollarydoos but Telstra all access is what I’m waiting for


Brad didn’t leak the price, he made a video about someone else’s leak after confirming the prices.

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Do we have info about BC?

This is thread worth IMO