Xbox Games Showcase & Starfield Direct |OT| SPOILER FREE

Maybe after the show like the fridge. Doubt it but if there were, that would be your best bet.

I hope they lean into the systems driven stuff in the new Fable. Even if, in the original games, a lot if it was more hype than things that actually effected the games. :sweat_smile: Like, let us do crazy, broken stuff with the magic system and interact with NPCs in unexpected ways.


Morbid curiosity made me search James Goddard’s LinkedIn and they show him as the principal designer/animator for an unannounced game that’s been in dev since 2019.

…four years…for KI…maybe?

(Probably not i’m coping)

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nah, gotta be Crackdown 4. :slight_smile:

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Did he work on KI 2013?

Here’s what he’s credited with

James Goddard (video game credits, biography) - MobyGames

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I like going in with no expectations.

I’ll be one of the few here that agrees with the idea that the Showcase should do all the talking. Excitement should be more organic than prompted. But I definitely see the other side of the argument.

I’d like to point out that you won’t find Nintendo and PlayStation do much of this, apart from random tweets from developers hinting at a good show. But maybe that’s what makes Xbox so uniquely awesome. The fact that critical people in Xbox communicate so openly with the fan base.

I feel like one of Xbox’s issues was that they could not manage expectations well by setting expectations that didn’t match outcomes. This is what I hinge most of my opinion on. The “bring a change of underwear” (paraphrased) quote will be picked up by the media and will definitely attract a ton of people to check out the show so it’s a great line to ensure all eyes on your showcase. They just better be able to back it up.

But I also want to give credit to the counter arguments where Xbox is in a different position from Nintendo and PlayStation in where they need to attract as much attention as they can as they don’t have a console that sitting at over 100 million units at this point. That you need to prompt attention because no one is going to randomly tune in if they are a satisfied Nintendo or PlayStation customer.

At the end of the day there’s no real wrong answer. I’m not mad at Xbox for doing what they’re doing, of course.

Marketing is incredibly hard, especially in the overly saturated games industry. My opinion in this matter shouldn’t matter a whole lot and I hope it doesn’t come across that I expect it to. But yeah if there were two camps here I’m on the camp of “Let the show do the talking” in where people will check the replay after it gets rave reviews.


Yeees 4K/60fps is awesome!


Yep, combat designer.

Everyone of the prediction shows says zero chance we see everwild. Im gonna out on a limb and say we do see it. I dont think the reboot is as bad as we think i have faith in rare


Jez did say after the director replacement, things have progressing well, but don’t think it will show up this Sunday. He can be wrong though. We all can be wrong.

Phil Spencer will be on the Giant Bomb couch on Sunday night


“How dare you do better than PS? Don’t you have a heart?”

“That showcase sucked like Redfall.”

“Ever thought of retiring? Do it.”

Okay, I don’t think they’ll be that harsh. Though I remember Grubb took the tweet on “coming to Xbox” a little too personal for some reason.


they can be harsh as hard as they want at the risk of getting ignored by the president of the gaming division of a trillion company for future eps. when was the last time ryan from ign had a chance to interview Spencer this gen?. exactly.

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This is awesome. The Giantbomb couch nights were always my favorite part of E3 and it was always fun to see Phil doing it year after year.


If the showcase is a success, they should hand him a mic.

he was on podcast unlocked back around the 20th anniversary - so he has been on this gen. Sure it’s been a while, but… not THAT long. Wouldn’t be that shocked to see him on there again in a few months, because like it or not IGN does have followers & that show does get listened to.

Besides, Phil has done giant bomb shows before & has said he enjoyed doing them - and they haven’t all been easy.

They better not - it might slip out of his fingers… :slight_smile:

He was on last year lmao.

Dude giantbomb is a completely different site now. Not the same without Jeff and the boys.