Xbox Games Showcase & Starfield Direct |OT| SPOILER FREE

the show is in less than a week, no matter what gamers think, they are proud of what they have to show and SHOULD talk about it and promote it. to do anything less would be a disservice to all the people who are working on these games and the show itself.


I get that entirely. But this sort of thing isn’t going to make a massive difference. Advertise it like hell.

Make a traditional splash about it.

But the whole ‘expectation management’ stuff or ‘build some hype’ stuff feels counter productive.

Not everyone finds the same stuff great. Hype is relative. There is no real need in advance to start talking about what sort of trailers you do or don’t have. It feels very ‘please be hype for us’ and that tends to have the opposite effect.

A truly great shows stands by itself. It doesn’t need anything else. Its not unlike the ‘12 month promise’ at the start of the last show - that was not needing to be said. They could simply have put release windows on everything. The trailing of a promise ultimately made it worse…

I also think the pre-recorded streaming nature of these shows makes them different to the old E3 beasts - those shows with live crowds clearly some hype building was needed to fuel the audience energy and create the right atmosphere. But these shows need none of that and I’m not convinced it doesn’t do more harm than good.

Lets say best case scenario is someone who doesn’t normally watch them tunes in cos they’ve built off the hype…they watch…because its been so hyped second hand they feel let down by almost any realistic version of a showcase…


That’s disappointing if true.

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Promote it, be proud of it sure. But no need to make promises in advance or whatever…just let it be what it is.

You can tell people ‘we’ve got a great show lined up make sure you tune in’ without the more obvious expectation setting sort of stuff. Or ‘we won’t have any CGI’ etc etc…

Why? Lots of people are way more excited about it being Viva Pinata-like than a survival game.


Plus SoD3 cover that.

I think I disagree with everything you just said. Yes a show needs to stand on its own 2 feet, but saying nothing and not getting people excited about it is more likely to lead to less viewers, they clearly want people to watch, it’s the biggest moment for games (especially first party) to be viewed by millions of potential customers.

Even last years slightly disappointing show had bright spots and helped some games get their name out there (High on Life for instance).


I’m newer to Xbox (didn’t get one until 2015-ish) and only played Viva Pinata for the first time a year or two ago. I just really didn’t enjoy it.

And Grounded.


It’s likely won’t play the exact way or even close to it. It could be “unique” or spin on it. Wait and see.

That’s fair. It’s not going to be a VP game. It may just have some of those elements.

I think it’s good that for a change they are being this honest and clear. I don’t recall many other times they specifically said it won’t be full on CG from their own studios, but a mix of things. With this message they show us that they are listening to the critique, I appreciate that.

The show can literally be perfect and media will still find ways to talk some shit, that’s par for the course now in my opinion. And meh, fuck what the media says anyway.


will never not be funny to me that some people yelling at the xbox employees for no big push at the marketing while at the same time questioning their job to promoting and hyping an event in which to market their upcoming games. :sweat_smile:


they didn’t make any promises other than than their would be “games, games, and starfield” which there will be lol. people take this way too seriously.

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“BGS doubters” lol. A phenomenon that suddenly sprang into existence in September 2020.


Yep, and it’s a real thing. Even saw folks saying Starfield won’t even come near the popularity or success of Spidey 2, not even in the same ballpark.

Well, it may be a new IP but I can see it becoming very big. Fallout 76 was the only misstep they made in my opinion, and it wasn’t even 100% a Todd Howard game anyway.

They’re right.

Starfield will have double the players :sunglasses:


MS with their approach will manage to get Xbox console players, PC players, and people using XCloud on several devices, this includes Playstation players. I can’t see them not wanting to play it…badly.

Xbox really has the most consumer friendly approach.

Tell them Spidey lost to Forza horizon 4 and 5.


I hope ABK becomes family very soon. I can imagine the CGI/In-Engine trailer for their new IP next year.

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