Xbox Games Showcase & Starfield Direct |OT| SPOILER FREE

I’d bet on it too…Gamerant, Forbes and Metro are already on it! :stuck_out_tongue: :phil_lmao:

And since there still isn’t a final predictions thread yet I’ll post my “crazy” prediction here:

Ninja Gaiden 4 by Platinum will be announced at the show and it will be a Game Pass day one release. :ninja_cat:

In @Shpeshal_Nick we trust! :partying_face:


Non first party wise I expect a new trailer with release date of Lies of P, a DLC announced for High on Life, since they have teased something a few times on Twitter this first half of the year. And I’m hoping for another surprise game announcement like High on Life sure was, nobody knew about it beforehand.

And could they possibly drop a shadow drop again ala HFR? Compulsion? Nah, probably not.

Lies of P is at SGF.

Definitely no shadow drop for Compulsion. It’s pushing AAA. Doesn’t make sense for a game that size.


Here on Xbox era? I think people will show their disappointment but won’t go overboard.

On social media? People are going to declare Xbox is ded💀

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One week of games, games, games. this is going to be good!



Holy shit the hype is unreal. This is the game showcase to end all game showcases.

Show them all. I want to see like 5 plus World Premiere

Avowed Gameplay, Hellblade 2 Gameplay, Fable Gameplay, Quake Gameplay, More Starfield Gameplay details

Perfect Dark In-Engine, Complusion In-Engine, InXile In-Engine, Indiana Jones In-Engine

If your gone to hype this up, better show the goods.

Let’s go crazier.

Everwild is shown, release date holiday 2023. Starfield Direct finishes with one surprise announcement being that the game is out right at that moment, Shadow drop.



I know you’re joking but we gotta stop with the shadow drop discourse haha. They can’t shadow drop a big AAA game that will be released physically. It’s basically impossible.


Haha yep. Just having fun here, indeed.

Not expecting any kind of big shadow drops, they are very welcome but if there are any it will be from third party, probably indie.

When it comes to Starfield I’m still very cautious, and that will remain until I’m seeing the main menu myself. :wink:

I feel shadowdrop mainly helps certain AA games, GaaS, and indie games. However, I think you need to have the hype cycle for certain games because shadowdrops doesn’t create that big of an attachment. I know hi-fi rush was successful, but I felt if it had the proper hype cycle then it would be viewed as a bigger deal.

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Imagine all game play ones are for ongoing games, in-engine is for GaaS new titles, and mix of two is for more GaaS.

I ain’t falling for Greenberg gas.


That Everwild rumor got me raising brows.

Which rumour ?

This one’s a spot vague but to my knowledge Andy has been reputable ig


I’m not expecting to see Everwild, but I don’t think it’s impossible. It’s been 2 or 3 years since the reported reboot.

Edit: Also, I don’t care what anyone says, that second Everwild trailer is still incredible.


You know what Xbox should do? Stop talking about their shows before their shows. This sort of stuff is asking for major issues. When someone will decide 30 seconds of a trailer is CGI there will be threads and articles and investigations…

There is absolutely no need to say anything before the show. Stop hyping it up. Stop playing it down. Just let the show be itself.

Their inability to just let something naturally evolve is frustrating. Greenberg responding to questions is just unnecessary. They’ve already shown an inability to read what the core wants from shows and games at times so just let it be. Let people hype or not.

I know its marketing’s job to get eyes on this but I just don’t think this sort of thing works.

Even if you have the most hype show ever the whole ‘hype’ becomes deflated if its trailed in advance. The hype comes from a surprise. From expecting a but getting b, or getting x,y,z on top of what you expected.


Damn negative Nancy over here


I agree with this honestly, it’s why I ultimately ignore the reports and rumors until the lead up into the last couple of days. It’s exhausting at the end of the day.

Hype does more damage than people really want to admit because, well, don’t nobody wanna kill the vibe lmao

I absolutely think Xbox should hype their show. I couldnt care less what some overzealous fans of another console say. As long as Xbox delivers on an awesome show then their fans will be excited.


They actually want people to tune in though…