Xbox Games Showcase & Starfield Direct |OT| SPOILER FREE

Just saw that on Twitter a few minutes ago. Very very happy. Also happy that every game will be “labeled” in terms of gameplay, in-engine, etc. Both very smart decisions in my opinion. All I need now is for Greenberg to confirm that it’s not a Game Pass only showcase and I could easily end up having the best Xbox showcase since E3 2018.

You mean like Starfield and Forza Motorsport? lol

I predicted it too but I was like 75% sure that it would be gone simply because the format didn’t work as it doesn’t create any excitement whatsoever, puts deadlines on your own studios which was fucking stupid and how they could possibly know that every game not first party would be released 100% within the year is beyond me when they don’t control third party developers and publishers whatsoever.

With the 12 month format dead and buried as it should be, im just hoping they show some third party AAA titles like Monster Hunter World 2, Persona 6, etc. because while these games aren’t for me, for Microsoft to truly get Xbox consoles to a level higher than Xbox One, they’re going to need major marketing deals that make the casuals believe that these games are exclusive to Xbox even though they’re not.

2020 showcase for me was better than 2022. While 2020 had mostly CGI trailers, I understood pre-Bethesda why they announced games like Avowed, Forza Motorsport, Fable and State of Decay 3. It’s because they had to reveal that they did have games in development for the upcoming now current generation. What hurt 2020 was Halo Infinite because while the combat/gameplay looked great, the game itself looked visually disappointing and was riddled with technical issues.

2022 was a shit show for me and I believe that the 2 month format was due to the delays of Starfield and Redfall. Microsoft/Spencer/etc. seem to be Game Pass or bust and needing to show why you should subscribe to the service or stay subscribed is why they went with 12 month format. In my opinion, there’s no other reason because why put a time limit on your own studios? And why act as if you can control when third parties will release their games?

Either way, im glad that shit was a one and done. Hope that format never ever comes back.

I want several games to be there but if they show me more than what they don’t, then I’ll be fine with it. If four of the five games I really want to see isn’t there, then yeah, I’ll be disappointed because I’ll feel like that we’ll never see them.

At first, I thought you were serious but then realized you were just trying to piss me off!!! lmao

It’s a great suggestion but I would also think that these content creators are going to have their own live reactions to the showcase considering it’s their bread and butter. With Starfield’s release being many months out there is plenty of time to have them on the podcast.

As I’ve been getting back into Forza Horizon I’m seeing a ton of massively popular YouTubers out there that cover the series. In the same vein I believe they will be reacting to any Forza Motorsport gameplay in the showcase. They could be another option for a guest in the future as well.

I mean this guy has 1.8 million subscribers and covers all sorts of racers but plays a lot of the Forza games as well: I’m not sure if they’re a good guest for a multi-topic podcast, it just demonstrates the fact that Xbox gaming goes beyond the usual circles. I think the gaming media has lost sight of that.

Anyways I skimmed through the last showcase and sort of forgot how Starfield and Forza were already shown off as tentpole showcase games. There’s going to be a little of a retread here, But I don’t mind especially if it’s an in-depth gameplay session.

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I think that this is what many people miss about GaaS- you need to build a community around it. Look at Sea of Thieves, at Halo, at State of Decay, even at MS Flight Simulator- all of them have a close knit community of players and fans that will support and shepherd the game way into the future. I am pretty sure that Fortnite and Rocket League have communities- heck, I bet that Gran Turismo has a community of racers.

And I bet this is what will happen with Starfield. Its longevity will depend on how quickly it builds a community, especially of creatives such as modders- because once you get that community going, Starfield could go on for years.

Microtransactions is the cherry on top.


My man Aaron coming clear to hype up the showcase and also throwing shade at the PS showcase.



Is this holdtheline a inside joke?

I don’t thinks he’s throwing shade, he’s just giving fans what they wanted- the Playstation fans, that is.


So now everyone(specific posters) wants to be “hyped” after telling me to “temper” my expectations :roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes:

Yes, I’m petty.



Damn! there really are no brakes on this hype train. :eyes:


That’s it. Hype level is through the roof now.


Quick question. Does anybody know if they upload the 4k version of the show immediately after the live show ends?

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To be fair a company SHOULD be getting fans excited about their upcoming show but at the same time I’m sure the folks at Xbox know how a decent chunk of Xbox fans have been let down in the past (hence previous temper expectation tweets :laughing:) so perhaps this time around (with the ridiculous amount of stuff they COULD show) maybe Xbox know they’re going to deliver a show that’s going to make the majority of fans happy. You’ll never please everyone but if they have a show that has Avowed, Hellblade, Forza, possibly Fable and other announcements, they must be feeling “Let the fans get excited because the majority will love what we end up showing”.

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Fable could very well be a in engine thing, so not necessarily gameplay but we’d get an idea what they are going for. Or in engine is for games even way further out.

Or…Fable is not there in the first place. :sob:

Subset Overdrive 2 confirmed? :astonished:

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lets have a recap. whats the elusive 5?

Taking a stab at it, State of Decay 3, Perfect Dark, Fable, Contraband and . . . Halo Wars 3?

Seeing as im expecting hellblade 2 and avowed to be there for certain, i didnt include them two

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Yeah, they usually do that


All this talk of the Elusive 5 makes me think of the Final Five cylons from Battlestar Galactica.

And so now i will accept nothing less than a slow montage reveal of four of the five games set to a weird rendition of All Along the Watchtower. Its what we deserve!

Obviously the fifth will be held back only to be revealed later as a once thought dead character/game (i.e. Scalebound)


I have a feeling that BGS doubters will be eating delicious crow for a long time to come after the Direct has happened.

And the media will go…

*Starfield is looking like a return to form for BGS, and that’s why it should come to PS5 too. "

Some nonense like that, bet on it. :sob:


some people act that game just get started into development after it’s CG trailer revealed. it’s almost 3 years since the teaser of fable/sod 3/etc. if anything don’t be surprised if the majority of 1st parties from the 2020 show get new updates this weekend.


Right. Fable has been in development for 5-6 years. It’s time to see it, and I don’t think it releases any later than 2025 (but I still think 2024)

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The Elusive 5 are Avowed, Hellblade 2, Fable, State of Decay 3 and Perfect Dark. It’s the games that were announced in 2020 (and Hellblade which was December 2019).

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