Xbox Games Showcase & Starfield Direct |OT| SPOILER FREE

All aboard the hype train people! chooo, choooo! :partying_face:


The 360 era Greenberg channeling 90ā€™s era MS. Stomp on your head!


Big Greenberg BETTER not be cappinā€™.


The way I see 2020 and 2022 were tough circumstance scenarios for Xbox. 2020 was the dawn of pandemic, so they can only do CGI since nothing will be ready for in-engine even. Halo got really hit by it as well. 2022 was how Grubb and many others have said that the year was going to be the one you will see the true effect of pandemic and that is delay, delay, and more delay. So Xbox thought it would be reasonable to not let them down by presenting 12 months plan.

While pandemic isnā€™t gone per say, the long-term damaging effect is gone for the most part, so all of their games will be ready to be announced or showcased.


@Doncabesa , I know itā€™s a bit late, but for the Starfield Direct would it be possible to get a Starfield content creator, such as Light, Starfield Signal or ObsidianAnt, to join the co-stream? I think they might add an extra dimension to the commentary as to what they are looking for, and get their reactions as players committed to the game.

(My preference is ObsidianAnt, as he looks at Starfield from a different point of view, as a space game, rather than a Bethesda or a Xbox game. He also covers MS Flight Simulator as well.)



Leaked gameplay


I think this show will be very good I just hope no one is disappointed if the one game they want to be there is not there

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Iā€™ve been trying very hard to reign in my hype levels, but I think Iā€™m just going to let go and see where this river takes me. If the show sucks Iā€™ll just say oh well and move on, but I have a feeling itā€™s going to be a good one. One more week to go. :face_holding_back_tears:



So expectations should be going up correct? Cause the hype train aint stopping now.


Hype with an open mind :sunglasses:


Here are my real and insanely hyped predictions:

  • The show starts with Sea of Thieves next season

  • Sarah Bond appears with a ā€œwelcome back!ā€. She then says that theyā€™ve been teasing that theyā€™ve dropped the 12 month format, this is because the format is now the next 6 months instead!

  • Next up, a 5 minute trailer for Redfallā€™s 2 new heroes. Afterwards, Pete Hines comes out to thank the loyal Redfall playerbase, and then we get a 20 minute developer interview about the new heroes, their backstories and their abilities, 10 minutes for each hero

  • BANJO IS BACK: A new Banjo game is announced, it is a live service PVP game in which players must collect the most jiggies on the map before time runs out

  • Playground Games steps up to showcase Fableā€¦ The logo of the game appears and then suddenly a new word appears: Kart. Fable Kart. Playground says they couldnā€™t be more proud to have been chosen to make a vehicle based game in the Fable universe and canā€™t wait to show more

  • Game Pass sizzle reel: The Lord of the Rings: Gollum, Big Rigs Over The Road Racing Remastered, Superman 64 Remastered

  • With the showcase segment about to wrap up, Phil Spencer appears to thank you for tuning in. He then says that he is confident that this will be the best 6 months in Xbox history. During his speech the camera falls over and the lens cracks, but Phil keeps talking. Finally, he leaves us with one last message ā€œThisā€¦ is Starfieldā€

  • The Starfield segment begins: It is 1 hour long of nothing but flying forward in outer space. Halfway through the segment the game crashes to the dashboard and displays the ā€œOut of VRAMā€ error

With this showcase I think Jim Ryan would immediately submit his resignation notice as PS5s are mass dumped into landfills.


Shots fired

Hype train has entered overdrive mode

Truly an E3 of dreams there. Just needs a Crackdown 2 remaster.

I refuse to let Greeney hype me up. I refuse to get hyped before a showcase of any kind. Zero expectations going in. That said; if he is lying or if itā€™s all ā€œin-engine cg trailersā€ thatā€™s just as bad and Iā€™ll be sad.

Whatā€™s the most memorable E3 from the 360 era? asking because tbh I never really paid attention to game shows back then but from what Iā€™ve learned on the internet 2008 was huge because Final Fantasy was announced for Xbox consoles and I remember the meltdowns over this on Gaf which gave birth to the famous meme of the ā€œJapanese culture expertā€ as many PS fans saw FF coming to Xbox as a betrayal or something, I also remember a lot of hype over the Halo 4 gameplay at E3, it looked wild at the time. Last gen most shows werenā€™t really great to me tbh, it wasnā€™t really until 2018 that I started to really believe in Xbox and feeling excited for the brand again, 2018, 2019 and 2021 were my favorites.

2020 was a good and told us Xbox wouldnā€™t have another barren middle of the generation like they had last gen, it was a good hype show for the future, I felt like they shot themselves in the foot in 2022 with the 12 months thing but there was a lot of gameplay which was great, I have this feeling that this show will be the one we will be thinking of years from now as ā€œthe best show Xbox ever hadā€

If he is hyping this then it is for good reason, he has been extremely conservative since 2020, I remember when Aaron and XBox got unfairly bashed for their show in May 2020, that show was actually great because it had a bunch of gameplay from games running on Series X, then those same people were praising Sony for their Unreal Engine 5 demo running on PS5, that happened, most people in gaming media are biased and stupid as hell.

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I never said fans shouldnā€™t be hyped, just that press/creators/influencers setting unreasonable expectations is something to try and avoid falling for.


bit late for that, and weā€™ll already have 4 people on which I think is about the limit for us

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