Xbox Games Showcase & Starfield Direct |OT| SPOILER FREE

I firmly believe that this showcase of dreams will announce the following:

  • Call of Duty: Battletoads Edition
  • Crash Bandicoot: Mech Assault
  • Microsoft buys NRS and Mortal Kombat 1 is actually a secret Killer Instinct Vs game
  • Halo 6 will be announced and it will be exactly what you think Halo should be. That isnt specific, I literally mean that whatever you imagine is the perfect Halo is exactly what it is.
  • Sea of Thieves will get a blood wake expansion
  • Wolfenstein 3 is announced and it is actually Indiana Jones. BJ and Indy team up to whoop Nazi ass

Its all in the glitter, you just have to look for the clues.


Show me some interesting indie games, Forza, Avowed, Starfield, Fable and Compulsions new game. I also would not say no to a licensend Marvel game with Blade from like Platinum.

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I think all those game reviews have finally broken Jesse. :smile:


Yeah, I thought about that when creating the poll. That choice would be under "No (I think we are reading too much into it…).

I think we could also entertain idea that this was indeed intentional despite the game not game being there: a decoy for folks to tune in the showcase.

Which, as someone as already said, could end up being an own goal. I can already picture a phenomenal showcase but people going: “Wheres Fable?” “Wheres Fable?” “Wheres Fable?”


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I see we’re in the “doom and gloom before the show” phase already. The next 10 days should be fun. :smile:


I’ve read some rumors about the return of two unexpected IP:

One of these could be Ryse 2.


I would agree with this if the hint was more subtle, but it wasn’t, I would say it was a pretty heavy handed wink towards Fable. It just feels too deliberate to be nothing, and if it turns out to be nothing the blame goes squarely on Xbox. They obviously want people to tune in…

Like someone else says, if it’s not hinting at Fable, Xbox needs to say NOW.


Fable was rumored to be in development since early 2018. We got that CG trailer in 2020. Matt Booty has been praising how the game is shaping up. They should be at a point where an in-engine reveal trailer is at least feasible. Slap a 2025 date on it and call it a day.



Personally i’m leaning against the tease being for Fable. I know people say the music is “similar” or it could be a new piece from the reboot which is true in fairness, but part of me thinks they would have outright used the classic Fable music itself and of course there’s the colour of the glitter used. The bigger problem is i think is if it doesn’t end up being Fable, a lot of gamers not being able to react in a reasonable manner. Instead of an “oh well” they’ll no doubt be large amounts of hate aimed at them, i’ve already seen comments say no matter how good the show is they’ll be pissed if Fable isn’t there. Maybe i’m just an old fart but I just can’t understand being pissed off at something not being at a showcase. I do think it is a problem with us sometimes where every single tweet is assumed to be a hint at something and gets over analysed.

Now that this has taken a life of its own, it will be interesting if Microsoft do attempt to downplay or remain silent .


What if Fable reboot is there in the show but Avowed isn’t?:thinking:

What if Fable collection and Avowed are in the show but Fable reboot isn’t?:wink:

What if Fable collection is in the show but both Fable reboot and Avowed aren’t?:sweat_smile:

I am just more and more curious about what this key visual art with blue particles actually represents. I thought it’s Avowed, but now it feels more like Fable, or Fable collection only.

This is what Matt Booty said last year about Fable.


I really don’t think we’re getting a Fable collection. If we’re getting any collection, it would be Gears.

And before you mention Phil in the interview, he wasn’t referring to a game collection. He was talking about their upcoming portfolio as a “collection” of games that are coming.


Totally agree. What’s up with the “don’t get hyped/no fun allowed” policing? the biggest show of the year for Xbox is coming in 10 days, let the people get excited! the most fun part of this time of the year is speculation and excitement. Haters gonna hate regardless of the quality of the showcase so who gives a fuck about them? we all here are Xbox-centric gamers and want to see cool stuff from our platform of choice plus I don’t get why expecting to see a game that was announced 3 years ago in the showcase is “setting ourselves up for disappointment” and “unrealistic”.

Also going by this thread most of the serious (because we also try to have some fun with some crazy ones) speculations are level headed and pretty normal stuff…no one is realistically expecting to see a new Lost Odyssey or a new Blue Dragon in the showcase. We are not like the Playstation fans where in every showcase they dig up every cult classic from the PS2 era and expect to see a high budget sequel of it. :stuck_out_tongue:

This would be the only Marvel game that I will be excited AF about. :philwins:


100% agree. If it isn’t there, it isn’t there. What’s important, is the games that are, and that they’ll be shown off in a manner that makes us want to play them.


Don’t know about this but I was looking the other day and it does look like crytek renewed the Ryse trademark a couple years ago. But that doesn’t always mean anything.


If Fable not being there is enough to make the show bad or disappointing, then

  1. The show probably wasn’t that great anyway, if it needs a certain game to be good when they will probably be showing around 30 other games that should be bringing hype then there’s bigger issues than Fable

  2. There will be people no matter how good the show is whining about Fable or Perfect Dark or whatever else they want to choose that doesn’t appear because it’s easy clicks, not worth taking seriously


Why are people suddenly saying there will be a fable collection??

Hopium is a hell of a drug but for real, I really don’t know, it feels like every day since the PS event people are expecting more and more games at the xbox show no matter what it is