Xbox Games Showcase & Starfield Direct |OT| SPOILER FREE

I think it’s safe to assume that any game that started development from 2019-2021 to have about a year of delay from their original target. Some will be the exception but covid delays are still being heavily felt.


That is true. But as we all know with games like this, a lot of what takes time is building the world itself, the NPCs, the story, dungeons and caves equipment etc. with them using the same engine as TOW the games actual gameplay would be done probably earlier than most things.

He said a year later they went a little overboard with scope and scale and had to rehit the drawing board to scale back and be more focused. That could have put a halt on a lot of the world building and npcs and sidequests they were building.

Either way it wouldn’t be crazy for the game to come out early next year or hell even the end of next year. But it would be completely reasonable for it to be a late 2024, early 2025 game as well.

I also trust your visions more than Colt. Granted that’s not a particularly high bar to clear.


Hold on…

For real? :slight_smile:

Why not haha


Can I get in on this? Lol

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No, I will blame your negativity for willing it into not showing haha


Probably a good bet lol


Oh snap!

Now you got me hoping it’s a no show.

Kidding, of course, haha.

I do remember Jez talking about that. He said it was more rescoping beacause it got a little too ambitious. He said Obsidian wanted to show that they could make this huge game and realized that they probably didn’t have the man power yet to get everything they wanted done. So they scoped down a bit more akin to TOW size.

If anything that should reduce dev time, no?

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Depends. It still takes a good amount of time to change the scope and retool things to be smaller. Gotta change stories, plot lines, locations of things. If you were planning a huge world, suddenly things that happened in one location have to happen somewhere else etc. if things were already built you have to spend time changing it etc.

Yeah, you’d think so. But then there’s the matter of engine too. A job listing suggested a switch to UE5, unless that’s for ToW 2.

I do hope it’s bigger and longer than ToW, it’s the least to expect. Tow 2 is gonna be bigger too, that first trailer made it clear. Now the trailer was making fun of themselves, but I don’t think it was all meant as jokes.

Ah man, it’s unfortunate they couldn’t make their initial plan reality.

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Well the second game will be the one to make their plan a reality hopefully. TOW was weird to me. It was a game I enjoyed while playing but I have absolutely zero lasting impression from. Which is weird to me for an Obsidian game. I think the writing was probably the weakest of their titles. I think they can correct that with 2.

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Kind of wild. Rewatching Xbox E3 2018 and in 30 minutes, you already have 4 first party titles with one update for released one (SoT). I don’t know how Sony didn’t branch out well with their exclusives.

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Come on lets see that surprise remaster/remake of SMT: Nine from Atlus.

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I just need Scalebound and Bloodborne at the show. That’s it. Just 2 games.


Doesn’t Sony own Bloodborne?

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Here, fixed it for you!


Clearly I meant FF7 then :smiling_face_with_tear:

Might as well add Killer Instinct. enough edging tbh

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So, I had a big list of games I think 100% could well be there. They are.

  1. Avowed.
  2. Forza MS - With release date
  3. SOT Season 10
  4. Fallout 76 Update
  5. ESO Update
  6. Hellblade 2
  7. Contraband
  8. Ark 2
  9. Aria History Untold
  10. Project Belfry
  11. Project Midnight
  12. Indiana Jones
  13. Project Cobalt
  14. Fable
  15. Minecraft Update
  16. State Of Decay 3
  17. Zenimax Online New IP
  18. Project Shaolin
  19. Persona
  20. Age of Empires Update

And I was thinking that maybe that would leave not much for 2024, but even with all those, 2024 could include these as a minimum.

  1. The Outer Worlds 2
  2. New I’d game
  3. Wolfenstien 3
  4. New Double Fine Game
  5. Gears 6
  6. Kojima Game
  7. Forza Horizon 6
  8. Everwild
  9. Halo
  10. Stalker 2
  11. Perfect Dark

Add some unknown games in this as thats a pretty amazing show was well. There is a backlog of games from MS studios, and there might be a glut of them over the next three year period.

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