Xbox Games Showcase & Starfield Direct |OT| SPOILER FREE

That’s why I’m speculating. Outer Worlds dev went crisp and took just over 3 years from the start of full Dev. Avowed is supposed to be a bigger scale game so of course that takes longer. Which is why say originally 4 years seems reasonable, which would be fall this year. A fall 2023 as the original target makes perfect sense. 2022 would be completely unreasonable as a target and Obsidian ain’t unreasonable. So if everything went perfect 2023 fall makes sense but add in a yearish delay and late 2024 is completely plausible but again. Easy to see it pushed into early 2025.

This was last year

One of the reasons I’m not 100% expecting it to be here, better to be safe than sorry.


This is part of it too. 2022 would have been perfect no issue smooth sailing Dev with the team being able to do a bigger game than TOW in the same amount of time. Add leadership changes and alleged reboots, covid etc and 2024, 5 years of Dev seems pretty tight. Doable, but tight.

That’s true. Multiple reboots does not sound extremely promising, but who knows.

But let’s say they don’t have gameplay, then I do hope they publish an article on it, maybe some screenshots. I’m a bit tired of the “Avowed this, Avowed that” we’re all hyping it, without having seen a thing. Yes Obsidian made great RPGs.

The issue with this is also that you kinda start to have expectations and you start to speculate what it could be like, look like, but I’m done with that. Not fond at all of the 100% silence. So hopefully…something!

In the 2020 show they didn’t have huge amounts of XGS announcements. Iirc it was Fable, FM, Avowed, Hellblade 2 (?) and State of Decay 3.

Some of these will be here, as per Phil Spencer. :slight_smile:

Relax, it’ll be there

AGAIN BASED ON WHAT EVIDENCE? You never clearly explained.

A first person RPG set in the Pillars universe has me sold. That said they have never done a fantasy game like that. They have done a Fallout like, but first person non shooters are a whole different ballgame. You know the writing will be on point. The silence sucks cause they announced it. I rather not know what a studio is doing than them announce a game far too early and then radio silence.


Do I need evidence?

Would be valuable since you claim “100% certainty.”

It came to me in a vision


Agreed on that. The way BGS handled Fallout 4 was magnificent. Pete Hines denied the game was in development a year before release iirc, and then out of nowhere it was announced right before they E3 the next year, during E3 the awesome deep dive and five months later it was in our hands.

We’ve seen more studios now copying this. We had Armored Core announced December 2022, and it’s coming this year, so a bit further away than how F4 was announced, but still good. And a few more titles, that EA Originals game is another one.

But back in 2020 MS had to, otherwise it would have been a third party stream, haha.

It better be there or


If it ain’t there I’ll buy you a copy of the game of your choice lol


Your vision better be correct


Even though this info was mentioned last year, the actual Avowed development changes started happening towards late 2020 (as per Schrier or Jez). That was more than 2 years ago. So, it is not unreasonable for someone to expect Avowed at this year’s showcase.


A game being announced and then silence just leads everyone to believe the game is in Dev hell or has issues. Which isn’t always or usually the case but it can set up negative optics for the game.

Fallout 4 was setup perfectly, same with Hifi Rush etc. long waits for a game just leads to narratives and people creating wild expectations that the game can never reach.

I agree. It’s also not unreasonable to think it won’t be and the game isn’t ready enough to be. Without knowing the extent of the changes, how much had to be redone, if there was scope changes or just some small changes, no one really knows how much it will have effected any timeline. If the changes happened late 2020 then the game would have been in development for a full year at that point and depending on what had to be changed, that could be anywhere from a few months to a full year of delay. All we got is speculation.

All I know is I don’t see Phil letting games be shown till they are ready to be shown.

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This is why we temper our expectations…


You don’t its clearly should be there. But its Xbox they might announce it to be a 6 month only showcase lol


Colteastwood doesn’t know anything tho. I trust my visions more.


Remember the Avowed scoop from Jez where he saw gameplay footage? Those were after the changes.