Xbox Games Showcase & Starfield Direct |OT| SPOILER FREE

Sony people were hyping up their show and then it had nothing. Execs will always hype.

Although listening to Phil after Redfall definitely sounds like he wants to be more transparent and showcase gameplay on Series X as much as possible.

Things are definitely lining up but it’s clear now all AAA dev is like 2-3 years behind. To me Avowed was always a 2023 game but with delays I think holiday 2024 might even be early. (My most hyped game imho)

What they can’t do is show a bunch of CG trailers for any of the big announced games. If there isn’t gameplay just don’t show up. But I don’t think any of those games are close enough to really show gameplay anyways…so they might show CG to show SOMETHING.

Now they could always show something from a smaller studio like Compulsion, but I think the big ones like Everwild, Avowed, Fable, Perfect Dark are too far away to show legit gameplay.


Boy I hope your are dead wrong with your expections. :slight_smile:

But man, if they can have a show with multiple games looking truly great, worthy of being called “next gen”, after all they are Series and PC only, that would be really nice. It’s certainly time! Jez has seen Avowed too last year. Something to show should not be too much to ask, I hope.

Meeeee too. I have been pretty close on my feelings about Xbox lately but I love being proven wrong with this stuff. I’m dying for a killer AAA game from these Xbox studios. Starfield is still so far but so close lol.

I’d also love to seek some Series X footage from Hellblade and like a holiday release date.


As long as they show gameplay for Avowed and Hellblade that’s more than enough for me.

They are the 2 Xbox studios I have the most trust in right now (Arkane used to be one) so I’m really looking forward to what they have. I just don’t see gameplay for both being there.

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You must think Xbox 2024 is going to look like 2022

Both were announced in 2020, it’s been three years. But yeah, if Avowed indeed did undergo some kind of changes that Jason talked about a while ago, perhaps the very plausible switch to UE5…

And Hellblade 2 has been in the news way more than Avowed has. If we don’t count Jez last year, there hasn’t been a peep by them ever since the reveal. That slightly concerns me, meaning we indeed might not see it.

Ah well, soon we’ll find out.

I said on the otherera that Obsidian is one if Xbox/Microsoft’s BEST acquisition. During the early part of the Xbox acquisition spree I was PRAYING that Xbox acquired Obsidian because that purchase made too much damn sense! And when they finally did it was a relief. You do not want a studio like Obsidian to get bought out like someone else. It would’ve been Bioware all over again smdh.

I see many hating trolls trying to clown Obsidian(just because they made Grounded which is a good game like wtf) when Obsidian is a dark horse. Do people not remember New Vegas? Or Kotor 2? I’m betting $100 that Obsidian can outdo Skyrim with Avowed. Just like they outdid Bethesda in Fallout. You guys can quote me on it.

@Staffy Avowed will be there with gameplay, 100% certainty. Hellblade and Avowed are a lock, we can debate the others lol


Where are you hearing this to say it with 100% certainty?


What makes you believe 100% certainty? I’m curious…


That is some optimism, I like it. Hope you’re 100% right.

If we end up getting that and a reveal trailer (hopefully some ingame material) from Compulsion’s game too…I’d love that. That would make a pretty strong showing.



No, I think it’ll be more like 2023. I could see Compulsions game coming out mid next year, probably Hellblade at some point and probably Age of Mythology or something. Would shock me to see a smaller game like Pentiment or HiFi rush be released.

I’m a lot less certain about Compulsion. They released the last WHF DLC at the end of 2019 and are/were a pretty small studio. I dunno how soon they started work on Midnight.

Smaller title, usually take less dev time. Probably had pre work done in 2019, 3 years of full Dev and 6 months of polishing seems pretty doable. They learned a lot from We Happy Few.

With the size of Avowed and how important that game is going to be I just don’t see it being in release state next year. Now I believe in Obsidian as a dev and the quality they put out. I just think it’s their biggest project and will take time. The Outer Worlds took 3 years from start of hard development. Avowed started pre production in 2018 day it started after the Outer Worlds launched, so 3 years would get you to last October. Add 2 years for covid and being a larger scale game would be October 2024 at the earliest. Now a hiccup or polishing here and there early 2025 seems reasonable.

As much as insiders aren’t to believed, they suggested it was coming end of 2023 or early 2024. I expect it by H2 2024. I think you are accounting for everything going wrong that could possibly go wrong, which is very pessimistic.

I’m expecting a good showcase thanks to Game Pass. There is bound to be some pretty good indie games and stuff from MS that will be Day One on Game Pass.


Not being pessimistic with it but outside of Horizon, EVERY AAA Xbox game has been delayed a year almost past their target. So end of next year is definitely possible but slipping into 2025 early just to make sure it lands

But we don’t know the target. What if the target was 2023? Or 2022?

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