Xbox Games Showcase & Starfield Direct |OT| SPOILER FREE

We would need something like Forza Horizon 5 to match that showcase. Hellblade 2 is the answer I guess.

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I donā€™t really expect release dates for anything not coming in 2023. Release year most likely.

  1. Forza
  2. Hellblade 2
  3. Elder Scrolls VI :smile:

Honestly Iā€™m fine with just Forza and a ā€œEarly 2024ā€ timeframe for Hellblade 2.

Age of Empires 4 console edition should get a release date as well.


Yep. Donā€™t need dates, but Iā€™d like to get an idea of whatā€™s in store for us in 2024.

Whatā€™s yours?

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We arent going to hear about it. Its Mass Effect Next :sweat_smile:


Just prepare to see :eyes: more and more the closer the showcase is coming.


Either Fable or Everwild.

I truly believe weā€™ll see about two of the ā€œelusive 5ā€ and I think it will be Avowed (lock) and Fable / Everwild.

You sure got yourself ready. Lol.

Maybe we wonā€™t see Fable or Avowed, but Spencer seems to say that we will see more than one of the ā€œelusive fiveā€ in his interview.

Ill be completely happy with whatever we get. I wonā€™t be disappointed if anything isnā€™t there, but I will do several fist pumps if I get to see whatever id Software is working on.

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I just want to see Avowed and everything else is gravy, I donā€™t have expectations so what ever they show me Iā€™m sure Iā€™ll walk away happy.


The showcase is the icing on the cake ( Starfield Direct ), so whatever there is Iā€™m happy.


If for whatever reason Avowed isnā€™t there, then I really donā€™t see it coming out next year. And that would be quite disappointing, also something we canā€™t do a thing about.


Unless they follow Playground style as in show gameplay in the same year release date.


One thing I donā€™t really see being mentioned is talks about having maybe a big 3rd party exclusive in Gamepass day 1. Weā€™ve had Wo Long shown last year I think from memory, what big 3rd party day 1 surprise should we be expecting next? I mean, while not a ā€œhugeā€ game, wonder if thy Dragon Quest game could be coming out Day 1 on everyoneā€™s favorite subscription service?

Thatā€™s true. That is possible, but I hope not. Iā€™m really tired of the guessing and waiting and everything. We still know so, so little.

Iā€™m not really in the loop on whatā€™s coming, but I would place money on a Bandai Namco game getting that treatment. Also, if the Persona 3 Remake rumors are true, I would hope that one gets a day 1 deal as well.

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Iā€™d still say I donā€™t think P3 Remake is on GP, and that it could be that they segue from SMT on GP into P3 Remake.

Koei Tecmoā€™s being doing surveys for all their recent games (including ones that arenā€™t on Xbox) asking if youā€™d like to see it on GP/PS+. Might be too soon for Koei to make another reappearance though.