Xbox Games Showcase & Starfield Direct |OT| SPOILER FREE

Really hoping for a Project Dragon reveal/teaser ultimately.

I really wouldn’t mind if Obsidian were to come out and confirm Avowed for June. Hellblade is a given, I’ve no doubts. Plus there has been plenty talks here and there by the studio, tweets, photos of the actress in the studio etc, whereas nothing for Avowed. It’s been very silent surrounding that game, except for Jez’s article but that was 2021 already wasn’t it?

But we did have Phil Spencer mentioning it after such a a long time. Please let it finally be time! Would be exciting to see a UE5 RPG!


Avowed is a given


Avowed is most likely a lock along with a gameplay trailer of Hellblade 2 probably showing the combat (a boss maybe?). Everything else is a question mark IMO…well besides Forza Motorsport which we’ll definitely see in some form.

A surprise announcement from a Japanese developer with some sort of collaboration with Xbox would be also cool to see.


I’m expecting/hoping to see gameplay trailers running off Xbox Series X for the following games -

  • Avowed
  • Contraband
  • Fable
  • Forza Motorsport
  • Hellblade 2
  • Indiana Jones
  • Perfect Dark

New game reveals CGI story/premise trailer followed by a short gameplay teaser trailer just to give you an idea of what the game looks and plays like. If these games are closer than expected (before June 2024) then replace gameplay teaser trailer with just a regular gameplay trailer -

  • Compulsion’s next project
  • Halo Infinite battle royale
  • InXile’s next project
  • Project Belfrey (Dragon’s Crown (hopefully) type game)
  • The Coalition’s Gears of War 6

Microsoft shows all of this along with a bunch of AA/Indie day one Game Pass games and a few third party AAA multi-platform games in which they have the marketing for, this could be one of the best Xbox Showcases of all time.

One thing I would NOT do is reveal any new game or already announced game with only a CGI trailer. Seriously, fuck that. If a game needs to be revealed/announced for hiring purposes, just do a mid-week announcement with a short CGI trailer and that’s it. Do NOT do this on what is most likely going to be Microsoft’s most important showcase for the Xbox brand in a very long time. And this is all before the Starfield Direct.

One other aspect that Microsoft should NOT do is showcase Grounded, State of Decay 2, Sea of Thieves, The Elder Scrolls Online, Fallout 76, etc. Save these new updates for the Extended Showcase. People know they exist and if they want to jump in, they’ll find the info they want/need.

Let’s go baby!!!


I think if was something like a Killer Instinct 2 or some other game that fans have been waiting for a while to actually happen, I think CG is fine

But if it’s some brand new IP or something already announced then they are bathroom break level trailers for me


I agree with you. A Killer Instinct 2 game reveal with a CGI trailer wouldn’t be what’s preferred but would be accepted because we know what it is so for sequels, it’s fine.

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Hi everyone. I have something of a strange question to ask.

I’m in the Toronto area and unfortunately, it looks like Fanfest is off this year. I had a really great time and was hoping to return.

However, after discussing with some folks, it was decided that maybe we could do our own. I’ve put out a request to a screening room to see if we could show the showcase in a small theatre environment. It seats around 40 people.

Is this something that may be of interest? I still need to get the venue in place and make sure I’m in the clear to do this. I just want to ensure it’s worth the cost of renting.

As an aside, this event would be free. Donations wouldn’t be unappreciated but are by no means necessary and would be capped at the cost to put on the event. I don’t want to profiteer off the hard work of others.


When Sony does Wolverine CGI. Nobody gives a shit. This CGI stuff is overblown.

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So we just had Redfall, September is a Starfield lockdown for sure, then October/November we get that Forza Motorsport goodness… but what is MS’s summer game? Were they really banking it all on Redfall?

Anyone thinks we might get another Hi Fi Rush “available now” thing at the Xbox Games Showcase? Or at least a surprise announcement, like maybe a Microsoft Published title made by a third party?

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This show will be heavy and will tip the SCALE. It is BOUND by fate to be the REVIVAL of Xbox


True but with Wolverine, you kinda know what you’re getting and it’s not a new IP. For a new IP, CGI doesn’t explain much if anything where as gameplay would.

You are making a mistake if you think anyone has the luxury of timing games like that

Not in that area, but that’s pretty cool :slight_smile:


Nintendo does, and has done so. cf. Advanced Wars, Goldeneye 007.

Xbox is trying to get into that same cadence.

There was also Metroid Prime Remastered and Fire Emblem Engage apparently being finished in 2021 and being held until a good time to release them (which also seems to be how FE Engage’s Story DLC release followed the actual game’s release so quickly) and then also Splatoon 3 getting a delay from it’s planned Summer release so they brought the release date of Xenoblade 3 ahead to fill that in.

If it were actually happening and ready to be shown I think this year would be perfect for a KI announcement with a release next year. November of this year will be the 10 year anniversary for the KI reboot that released with the Xbox One. Next year the series will be turning 30, going back to the arcade release of the original in 1994.

Completely understand there’s a bit of a hill to climb with KI though, since they have to find a studio to develop it. Just thought the timing would’ve been nice.


You would know that with KI to. It’s also not a new IP.

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I’m a huge KI fan so I’d love for a new game to come out. Wouldn’t even mind a Season 4 announcement along with a Series S/X 4K 120fps patch!

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If this show ends up having Hellblade 2, Avowed, Contraband, and Compulsions Project. Then it is already better than the showcases of the last 5 years.

If they add to it Fable or Perfect Dark or any similar high-profile game, it would be magnificent.