Xbox Games Showcase & Starfield Direct |OT| SPOILER FREE

i do think a particularly weak showing from Sony did elevate this showcase, giving what fans were expecting from that one

The fact thatā€™s all we got from Hellblade makes me confident itā€™ll miss 2024.

Can we take a moment and appreciate that the showcase was in 4k 60fps

Also, what fps Starfield on Series X?

The showing almost made me forget it

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Oh, didnā€™t know they were doing that so soon. I feel like they should have mentioned that earlier.

It would have been perfect if Youtube could have kept it at a smooth 60 though. Mine felt like it dipped down into the 40ā€™s quite often. Also, Youtubeā€™s compression sucks. :smile:

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They didnā€™t confirm that. Thatā€™s speculation on my part.

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Capcom is really new best friend.

You really need to play ESO if you think whatā€™s going on is too slow, because what they usually show in the trailers isnā€™t how the game plays at all.

We also need to consider that sometimes trailers are altered in away to put emphasis on being able to see the game play(Necrom for example).

Not just GOTY. Starfield has potential to be the game of generation. Game looks incredible.


The framerate wasnā€™t a locked 30fps, thatā€™s for sure. Hoping these 2.5ā€™ish months will be enough for them to smoothen that out. I liked most of what I saw of Starfield, but a still not super smooth fps is not what I expected, same as some visual downgrades I noticed.

Iā€™ll give the showcase a solid B+. Starfield and 3rd party stole the show. The lack of gameplay from 1st party and the first real look at Avowed dropped it for me

Absolutely better than last year and absolute better than the PlayStation one

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The gunplay actually looks grea in sStarfield. Also, that little ā€˜magicā€™ tease.

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So far, yes.

To be fair, itā€™s been a while. Iā€™m not trying to be negative, I swear! :smile:

I know just check this out, this is ESO on the highest difficulty done by a team that really knows how to play the game.


The team at BGS must feel incredibly energized for the final sprint with such positive reactions.


I actually thought the combat looked way smoother than before. I chopped up any jankyness to Youtubeā€™s stream to be honest.


Really a great cutscene. I think they want to show us that main theme of this game is not combat.


You know the showcase is outstanding when the majority of SonyERA votes for ā€œIt legitimately exceeded my expectationsā€ in a poll.


Just amazing