Xbox Games Showcase & Starfield Direct |OT| SPOILER FREE

Well someone is happy.


I’ve already seen like 5 different PS “good looking group” mockups. That shit cut deep lmaooooo.


That show was amazing. It was exactly what they needed. they have a good roadm ap and there is still stuff we havnt seen. Awesome and good for team xbox

People should just put together another one with all the 1st party games and say “Yeah, but this one looks better.”. :smile:


Excluding dlc/expansions, the Xbox Games Showcase 2023 had 20 games shown with 9 of them being for me. The 45% makes this showcase the second highest in general for me this generation and the highest Xbox showcase this generation. In general, great showcase with great pacing, a few surprises that I wasn’t expecting with only one major disappointment. The 9 games are listed below in order of when they were shown -

  1. Fable

Looks great and the few snippets of combat seems great and it does look like Playground Games is using The Witcher 3 for inspiration in regards to combat. As long as my character doesn’t have a “locked stance” during actual combat like Geralt had, I will be very happy. Would have liked to see more pure gameplay but since I believe that the game is a November 2025 release, im happy and content for two years.

  1. South of Midnight

Was hoping to see combat to get an idea of what the game plays like and whatnot but I like the look and art style of the game. Setting which I believe is New Orleans and the music reminds me of Mafia 3 which is a positive for me. Definitely has my interest. Expecting South of Midnight to be a 2025 release.

  1. Star Wars: Outlaws

Wasn’t expecting this to be at Microsoft’s showcase. Really hope that they have the marketing deal for this game as Star Wars is huge right now and the game has massive potential. Best of all, full gameplay tomorrow at the Ubisoft Forward Showcase. I’m a Ubisoft fanboy so very pleased to see this debut at the Xbox Showcase.

  1. Avowed

I watched the trailer again after the showcase and it looks great. Don’t see what people are bitching about but whatever. I’m more than satisfied with what was shown and im looking forward to playing it. Expecting Avowed in the second half of 2024.

  1. Hellblade 2: Senua’s Saga

Not going to lie, very disappointed with what was shown. Their previous trailer was far better. This was meh and not what I was hoping or expecting to see which is pure in-game combat as if I was playing the game. A year from now, im expecting pure combat and gameplay with a November 2024 release date.

  1. Kunitsu-Gami: Path of the Goddess

This is 50/50 only because im not sure exactly what type of game this is and if it can be played fully solo. Looks like a hack and slash game which is good but at the end of the trailer, it shows multiple players against the enemies so I simply need to see more. I like how the game looks and it’s Capcom who have been great since 2017 with RE 7. Should be at the Capcom Showcase tomorrow so hoping to see more gameplay and get more info/details.

  1. Towerborne

I’m interested in this game and it definitely reminds me of Guardian Heroes on Sega Saturn which was one hell of a game and after reading about it on Gematsu, it can be played fully solo which is great.

  1. Clockwork Revolution

This was the surprise of the show for me. Wasn’t expecting InXile’s game to be at the showcase but im happy that it was. Love the art style and visuals plus the combat looks real good and best of all, it’s a shooter as opposed to a turn based strategy RPG which im not into. So very pleased. Not expecting the game until 2025 but that’s okay. Watched the trailer two more times after the showcase. Yeah, im in. lol

  1. Starfield

Holy mother fucking shit!!! The amount of systems and stuff in this game is more than every game released this generation thus far combined. When I thought they were done, nah, here’s like four more systems and things to do. While I do believe that the facial animations could use a little more work, I understand why it’s not a top priority and they all look good enough for what the game will try to achieve. Visually, looks great and best of all, the combat looks much improved especially in third person which makes me very happy. Not going to lie, I was hoping for a delay to November because well, that’s when I will be playing this game. In fact, more like November, December and January. lol.

Still need more info on Path of the Goddess and Towerborne but as of now, the showcase gave me 9 games and compared to last year, im much happier, satisfied and thought this was a great showcase overall. Post showcase, not thrilled about Starfield being 4K/30FPS on Xbox Series X but at the same time, im not surprised whatsoever. Oh well, it is what it is.


Show was great. I have to stop myself from being greedy and wanting more. Obviously Xbox has more games they didn’t even show, but that’s more stuff to anticipate next time. We got a lot after all.

Starfield is looking amazing, genuinely hyped to play it. As a Star Trek fan, it feels like this game will be right in my wheelhouse. Like another user said, it will be a ‘chill’ game that I can take my time with. I basically expect Starfield to be a masterpiece 10/10 game of the year.

A new Yakuza Like a Dragon was a great announcement. Set in America? The last Yakuza 7: Like a Dragon was fantastic, I basically consider it the greatest jrpg of all time, so day1 for the sequel for sure.

Fable. Yes :raised_hands: Nailed the humor. Looking forward to tossing flammable objects at all those poor unsuspecting Brit’s :joy:. Playground will amaze with its environments too, so lots to look forward to with Fable.

Avowed. It’s real and it’s coming next year. The graphics were a noticeable step up from Outer Worlds. It perhaps is more stylish and less realistic than we’d prefer but Im definitely willing to give it a chance. I’m confident I will play the entire game and be more than entertained throughout.

Hellblade 2. Looks gritty, dark, realistic. The game will take us on a unique cinematic journey, Gamepass day1, easy choice to follow Senua down this dark adventure.

Star Wars and Ubisoft? Yeah. That’s something I want. Love both those things, bring it.

1 more thing announcement of a 1tb Series S was a fumble and poor reading of the room even if I kinda predicted it.

The mistake Xbox made was not also announcing a 2tb Series X… sure it’s inevitable now, but that just makes the waiting even more annoying since now people will just be waiting for it. When in doubt, Xbox should always listen to gamepadx, he knows what the fuck he’s talking about :laughing: :upside_down_face:

One of the biggest highlights of the show were the Gamepass announcements. That Gamepass animation was fire :fire: Seriously if you didn’t come away from this show thinking ‘damn I better make sure I renew my Gamepass subscription’ then I don’t even know what kind of gamer that would make you? Gamepass is essential at this point, this showcase hammered that home pretty effectively.

Flight Sim 2024. Cool no complaints. A showcase title that wows you with its beauty. Iterative improvements, new modes, and relaunch sequel number of ‘2024’ to remind gamers of its existence are smart. Well played Xbox.

Maybe stuff I’m missing or forgetting, I had to work so I ended up watching the show late. :peace_symbol:

Not sure if it’s too early to ask since extended is next, but what leak was correct aside from Personas which by the way, loved how Atlus leaked the first two, only for the third one to confused many.


Didn’t know he did a poll. So far A at 60%. Back at Geoff, over 110,000 votes, A is still leading at 54% with B at 29%.

I simply can’t get over Playground’s new approach to Fable. The use of truly fantastical environments and scale could really set it apart from other Xbox games. I can’t freaking wait until 2025 or whenever it comes out.



Just bought the premium add-on packs for both Forza and Starfield. :sweat_smile:


In hindsight, it almost felt like Xbox investing Cyberpunk 2077 was a mistake due to the marketing for a rough launch, but now it’s like “Good idea.” The engagement for the expansion is pretty good.


I’m sure CDPR probably as a little soft spot for MS too because they didn’t throw them under the bus like Sony with regards to Sony pulling the game from sale on their store for a while.


Not sure if anyone had a problem showcasing an expansion, but it sure worked into their favor. Plus, it made me want to play it.


I was saying in the Avowed thread that these stills look fantastic even though the visuals in the trailer were unappealing to me. The extended showcase will hopefully counter the criticisms on the art direction.

Nothing against Indies, but I am surprised on the low count of it from this showcase. Since Twitter has bunch of haters of indies, wouldn’t this showcase be in your favor by your logic? Huh? This Showcase is really turning heads.

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Ok I haven’t had a chance to write here after the showcase. But man, Xbox delivered! So many great looking games. Fable, Hellbalde 2 and Starfield are out of this world. But even the other games looked great mostly, plus cool surprises like Towerborne (reminded me of cadtle crashers) and Metaphor out of nowhere. The only negative thing I can say about this show is that I’m shocked we haven’t gotten an update on Halo Infinite. I mean they showed an Overwatch update but not your own flagship title? Also there is a new season coming up in about 9 days?! Hmm


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