Xbox Game Studios |OT9| How many games would a game studio make if a game studio could make games?

Depends if you count MMOs as GaaS, but DC Universe Online and Star Wars: The Old Republic come to mind.

ZOS aren’t making any licensed game because we know their game is a new IP and it’s a extremely unlikely they’re gonna be working on two new live/online games while also supporting ESO.

I mean MMOs invented the live service model so yeah they definitely do

Their Twitter says “multiple unannounced projects” alongside TES Online.

Also, I still think their definition of a new IP could include a licensed game. New IP is used interchangeably with new franchise.

Hmmm. Honestly seems too much to handle many service games at once with one studio, maybe one of them might be a smaller experimental project.

I personally am not aware of licensed/adapted IP ever being referred to as New IP

I hear you, but if you think about Fallen Order for example, EA has definitely called that a “new franchise” in earnings calls and such. Even though it’s set within an established IP, the Jedi branding is a new thing and considered its own franchise. I think there’s room for ZOS’s “new IP” to be a case where someone used an incorrect term or they are trying to hide that it’s licensed until the game is revealed.

Also, I’m fairly certain that Take Two called Marvel’s Midnight Suns a “new IP” before it was announced.

Anyone here that plays TESO a lot? How do you like it? I’ve given it a few hours a few years ago but it was with a buddy that didn’t have any patience and expected me to rush through all conversations with NPCs, even the quest givers.

Are there good storylines, interesting characters and quests and locations truly worth exploring?

I’ve been debating whether to jump in to TES Online as it’s one of the few Bethesda games I haven’t played and I’m curious about ZOS as a studio.

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You know what, you might be right. It’s not like this industry hasn’t been weird like that before.

I’m not saying ZOS is definitely making a Star Wars game (I’m 50/50 personally), but I really wouldn’t put it past them if any of the rumours are to be believed.

It would be wild if Machine are making Indiana Jones, ZOS are making Star Wars/Mando and Roundhouse are making Marvel (X-Men?).

I don’t recall Firaxis’ game being referred to as a new IP. In fact, I believe we had insider reports for a bit that it would be Marvel meets Xcom. There was use of new IP in relation to a cthulu like open world title though. Perhaps I am misremembering that though.

I am personally of the mindset that if it was a star wars mmo, the job postings would have had language like “a new project based on a beloved multimedia IP” or something. Ultimately, it wouldn’t surprise me though

I’m about 75% sure that Take Two called it a new IP, even though we already knew it was a Marvel game. But maybe I’m misremembering.

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I think using ‘New IP’ as a recruitment tool and it being an existing IP is effectively lying to the people you’re hiring. There are creative freedoms that come with development of New IP that they aren’t going to have.

Yes that all of it! ESO if fully voice acted, with multiple great storylines, and it’s the one of the most open MMOrpgs in the market. Which comes with its ups and downs, allowing players to go anywhere and do anything they want means you can explore in the same fashion as single player TES games, but it comes with the consequence of allowing us to do storylines out of our order.

This also brings another issue(not to me, but opinions will differ), that the overworld story content isn’t very difficult as our characters are leveled to the world around us(also the power creep, somepeople want harder content, online mostly, but they refuse to nerf themselves or turn off the visual assistance for mechanics and somehow expect that they can instance into the same server as everyone else). This was done in order to make it as single player friendly as possible, which happens to be the majority of ESO content. With things like dungeons, trials and pvp(the pvp hasn’t gotten much love though since they started focusing on story content) as the main group activities.

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Damn, that does sound good and worth it. If only there already weren’t so many games in the backlog and just overall. But this sounds very promising for whatever is next for them.

Currently they are about to launch the High Isle expansion in June, Zos has been on a yearly update cycle for a bit now, where they launch 2 dungeons, 1 Trial, and 2 overworld story zones whose quest lines connect in some way. This one us going to be focused on Breton’s and involve a political storyline, because the player base wanted something that wouldn’t involve a world ending disaster. Although I still think that Western Skyrim zones, where not about a world ending threat, even with the implications about potential disasters.

Also another reason why doing things in order is my preference, is that we interact with characters from past storylines.


Is the guys atanding behind the blonde girl on Phil’s left wearing a Boston Bruins hat?

If so, give that man a raise Phil!

Some work by the Character artist from Human Head Studio / Roundhouse (he’s in Arkane now) it could well be a Marvel or Star Wars IP but I think it’s this Immersive Sim game in a Coruscant type city where you play as a hunter prime who must knock down targets in the order he wants in a huge open city (like PREY 2 finally)


Do we know more info on the zenimax’s RTS?

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