Xbox Game Studios |OT9| How many games would a game studio make if a game studio could make games?

I kinda would like a horror game by Tango on UE5 now…

I would advise against seeing the comments section on the video

Make Project Spark again

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Nah, with the advent of UE5 and Unity, stuff like Dreams or Project Spark is just not worth it. You waste a lot of times on making a game while not gaining useful skills.


Nah, this is over. For creative gamers and educational stuff with a low entry barrier there is Minecraft. For people who want to build high def stuff there are free tools like Blender, Unity and Unreal. There is no useful market for another Project Spark.

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Well we know, what, that MachineGames is doing Indy and Roundhouse is working on some sort of shooter project right heavily rumored to be Marvel? I wonder who else would fit the bill?

I think Bethesda does. I’ll be surprised if Xbox Game Studios do though, they might just included the Sea of Thieves Pirates of the Caribbean DLC.

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Hero shooter from Roundhouse yeah. Let’s see if that makes an appearance here.


No idea whether true or not, but I will add that Benji has mentioned he knows what Arkane Lyon is working on and from what he said of it, which is not much, is hinting that it is a licensed IP.

The only XGS I think would be TC not including XGP tho

If they do Shadowrun that will technically be a licenced IP :eyes:

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Oh shit ! Do we know about this ?

I agree. TC seem like they don’t have specific creative drives and would be willing to work on things they’re offered, and are imo primed for an action AAA game from a mainstream IP. Generally not for that stuff but I’m desperate to see TC make other big things along Gears.

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Yeah, I also expect Bethesda having several Disney games in the pipeline

I don’t think it’s been confirmed yet but I do hope Roundhouse studios is working on a Marvel IP. And I’m not sure what studio would be working on a Disney related IP but it would most likely be a Bethesda Studio.

Yeah I agree I do think it would be more from Bethesda than any of Xbox Game Studios. But it could also be possible that Double Fine could do something Disney related since Tim Schafer used to work at LucasArts otherwise it would probably be an Xbox Game Studios project with Disney or Disney related DLC. I just hope it’s not something minor like a Disney’s Cars dlc for Forza Horizon 5.

I did hear Benji talk about it before and I always thought it was Prey or Dishonored related. But if it’s a licensed IP then maybe it could be something else.

Tim was very clear that they don’t want to work on anyone else’s IP. They don’t want to be a “cover band” is what he exactly said lol

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As I said, the way he talked about it making a lot of people happy about it, I took it to mean a really popular IP, but I could be totally wrong.

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