Xbox Game Studios |OT9| How many games would a game studio make if a game studio could make games?

Yeah, first one looks proper for the scene.

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I’m very curious about chatter by NPCs too. Will they have conversations with each other ala RDR2 (I don’t expect it as crazy detailed) or will it only be for certain NPCs? Will they say something when you walk past them? How much more believable overall will they act compared to Fallout 4? All of these kinds of things I cannot wait to find out.

Mods for Starfield will fix every problem with it and add NPCs, events, dialogues etc. Just like usual.

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I think the shadows are too contrasty in the second picture.

I very often see this being said on Reddit too, but personally I won’t bother with a single mod until I’ve 100%ed the game. I want to see everything that the team itself has crafted. For me all of their games have been experiences I always finished without any mods.

Also, aren’t a lot of those mods often for PC only or does Xbox have those for Fallout 4 and Skyrim too? Could be for when it’s time for a new playthrough.


You’d probably have to wait a while for mods to hit as well. I’ll be playing day 1 lol.


I share this mentality for story and quest mods, but quality of life stuff I’ll always welcome. But still, the first playthrough will most likely be vanilla anyway because I’ll be there day one and I won’t wait for any mods lol.

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Yeah for sure. We do expect mod support day one? It should be interesting to see how soon after release mods start to come out. How soon until we see Thomas the Tank Engine in space, lmao.

Sounds like in the past its been like 4 or 5 months before mod tools are even released.

Could see it being further out this time considering game delays.

I don’t play BGS games on consoles.

Lots of great mods on Xbox like new quests, armours, weapons etc. I don’t play on PC but I think the only stuff that doesn’t come to console are the big graphics overhauls.

Yeah I remember the forgotten city mod for Skyrim. But there are also some mods that not only overhaul the graphics, it’s a complete new world. Or like Skyblivion, crazy stuff.

But I didn’t know there were even mods for better dialogue and stuff like that.

Yeah, there are tons of mods. Even voiced as far as I remember. There are mods that fix in-game dialogues, adds new ones and so on. There are mods that - aside graphics - add various flora and fauna, new forest sounds and races.

They’ve allready shown more than enough. I want to discover the rest myself, I’d be fine with nothing more until release.

I will never understand the need to be spoiled. It’s a Bethesda RPG in freaking space, that should be enough lol.


I bet that that for a lot of folks that want to see the game polished up so that it doesn’t look “bad” like it did in June.

Some people are just… weird.

Whats the issue with light here? I am seeing enough shadows and great lighting art here

What is it lacking

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Halo 3 is 15 years old today.

And it was a big missed opportunity to not have Saber and Blur doing Halo 3 Anniversary remake.


Dat double scarab fight in The Covenant though…talk about a fuckin’ Epic level, when others were busy discussing the “sub-HD resolution” and the “jaggies” some of us were playing and being blown away by one of the best games ever made. So many good memories from this masterpiece, me and my best friend played campaign co-op via system link for hours and hours every weekend for about 3-4 months and managed to create some epic moments in some fights. Still my favorite Halo campaign and one of my favorite games ever.