Xbox Game Studios |OT9| How many games would a game studio make if a game studio could make games?

The writing and choices are what would matter to me with this. I can’t bring myself to be excited though because it’s from former Quantic Dream members :awkward: but I’ll play it and see myself nonetheless, it’d only be a download button away

This game is out in 2-3 weeks and we are in the dark about a lot of stuff. :joy:

Nah, Lego LOTR is Xbox 360 only. Lego Hobbit is a different game.

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Ooops. I was looking around for different versions and seeing if any places had digital keys available and must have strayed off the the path. :blush:


I’m surprised more details about the game haven’t leaked from when it was generally available for Microsoft employees to preview in April.

GTA The Loading Screens - The Game



But is it [A or B] or [X or Y] or [Left or Right] or [Up or Down] or [A/B/C/D] or [Left/Right/Up/Down]? So many possibilities.


Sadly it seems this is the case.

I already own Lego Hobbit digitally, it’s just Lego LOTOR I don’t own. Outside of the Nintendo/Indy games it’s the main games my kids play (and Roblox of course).

New Minecraft Legends Gameplay

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Not trying to start anything with this but I have noticed over time that there have been a fair few 343i people I follow on Twitter that follow some, how do you put it… questionable people… and I don’t want to connect dots where there aren’t any but I wonder if this sort of stuff could be affecting the culture at the studio. Not doom and gloom just an observation and I think it could probably explain a few things.

Hope everything over there pans out honestly for the sake of Halo.

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What kind of questionable people?

Supporters of the recent big bad thing just happened.

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Oh damn…

I wouldn’t assume anything about who someone follows on Twitter, especially if they’re not very active or the type of person that checks that kind of stuff regularly; I don’t know how many times I have to remind people that a follow is not an endorsement. Hell, I’ve followed a few people that initially followed me, only for me to realize months later they were a woman-hating fascist because it wasn’t prevalent in their tweets until a certain event triggered them.

Of the people I know at the studio, I’ve been told that they’re actually on the up and up from a culture standpoint; as I understand it, there’s far more external issues (aka “fans”) than internally.


Yeah I was questioning if I should even post anything about it because you just never know the situation, the only reason is there were a few and I thought maybe that could be causing something in the studio. I know I shouldn’t connect dots like that, but it’s hard to understand what’s happening there without being in there.

I genuinely hope the entire team are doing well and are coping with the “fans” also just to be clear I ain’t one of those “fans” haha. Just an over all crap situation for everyone really. Can’t wait for co-op and forge, hoping forge brings back some fire in the belly of Halo MP :blush:

I’m thinking this is some sort of crossover

Man I wish Redfall was launching this year…would be the perfect October/Halloween game.

Totally get the delay but I’m bummed still lol…

Expansion taking the game indoors? Something about the way the release trailer vo was worded from the Xbox showcase made me think this at the time.

Interesting but I wonder if someone’s political stance would have any impact on the games they make.

The same could be said for their stance on religion, gender or ethnic background.

I personally doubt it would, I know in my work team most of my colleagues support the opposing political party (as their policies support them individually rather than thinking about the wider community) but until now I haven’t really thought about it.

I think the issues at 343 come down to management more so than the general culture. They don’t seem to have been very competent ever since their inception.