Xbox Game Studios |OT9| How many games would a game studio make if a game studio could make games?

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Fall Guys is doing amazing here in Canada and its even ahead of COD


I made sure filter to console games only, if it does it could be a bug.

What i find crazy is that Epic Games doesn’t really release many games anymore but they are #1, #2 and #12 anyway…


I’ve been holding on to hope with the Wolfenstein 3 stuff but if we haven’t seen it yet I’m gonna guess it simply isn’t in development, or certainly was not immediately in development after the release of Wolfenstein 2/Youngblood to be nearly ready as we have been optimistically speculating.

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I’m not surprised about Wolf 3. It’s going to happen after Indiana Jones if it happens.

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I was hoping Wolfenstein 3 was in development alongside Indiana Jones but it will probably will be on hold until after Indiana Jones is out. Which sucks we have to wait a longer time for it but it could also be good giving MachineGames more time to work on the story for Wolfenstein 3 before it goes into development and avoid a Wolfenstein: Youngblood situation.

I just wonder how far along Indy now is. I mean MG seemingly have been standing still for a while after their last game?

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I think development started in 2020 so they have at least two years of development. And I would think the game will come out 2024 or 2025 depending on how big the game will be.

Kinda expected but still disappointing if true

What do we need to do to make Minecraft look like this how do we convince Mojang and Microsoft ? :thinking:

Ask them to run it on a single configuration

Imagine all the players that Microsoft could attract to the XBOX console or the XBOX ecosystem if they made the XBOX version of Minecraft like the video and it was exclusive to XBOX

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People won’t give a damn and will continue to play it on mobile and Switch :man_shrugging:

Hopefully when they add raytracing and a next gen update

That’ll be a PS5 exclusive.

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I prefer Fallout 1 and 2 to be remade in the same style they were, just modernized and to be playable on console (i.e. isometric). No need to play with their perspective.

Give it to PS and make a sad dad story about it?


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