Xbox Game Studios |OT9| How many games would a game studio make if a game studio could make games?

Speaking of Fall Guys. When will the Halo costumes be coming? Did they give a time frame? I’m basically saving all of my in game currency I earn for those costumes.

June 30 - July 4

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To be fair, this list takes a week or so to update. I’m guessing by mid next week you’ll likely see it in the top 15.



If Double Fine’s next game is confirmed to be multiplayer we can certainly expect a lot of hot takes. I wonder if I will have some hot takes too :thinking:

That’s on all platforms and even then they are probably counting former players that played the game over the course of the games life.

Personally I can’t say I’m really waiting for a MP game by a studio that I find games like Psychonauts and adventure games is really their strength. But I’m not gonna write it off either, we shall see. These days I just can’t really get myself to enjoy MP all that much anymore.

This is a terrible take.


Metro aside, there is no doubt that Starfield will be the most scrutinized Bethesda game ever. That’s why I feel zero pity towards other platform - acquire and make everything exclusive Microsoft :fire:


It’s an uneducated take…which contradicts itself. Bethesda has had a process with how they develop their RPGs for the past two decades. Microsoft breaking that to make them go faster is how you could screw things up…which is why they won’t.

Bethesda generally has two teams…one smaller team working in pre-prod and one larger team working in full production on the upcoming game. ES will remain in pre-prod until Starfield and it’s big DLCs are done…and then that team will move over to ES. A pre-prod team for Fallout 5 will start up after Starfield is done.

Only way any of this changes is if Bethesda turns Fallout over to another studio…or turns the 76 studio into the FO5 team.


Sure there will be some scrutiny but Microsoft is also going to make it the most accessible and affordable Bethesda game ever with it being on Gamepass for Xbox/PC and eventually maybe even the cloud. So it really wouldn’t change that much other than it won’t be available on the PS5 unless they allow Gamepass on their system.

It does not matter if Microsoft makes it more affordable, even if playing it would mean just to launch TV and you will be able to play it on any electronic device, people and media will still cry about how not being available on PS is a bad thing and that each and every issue is Xbox and Microsoft’s fault. Even if Sony won’t launch Day 1 games on PC - it is considered a good thing, and when Sony will finally do thing - it will be considered a genius move.

Microsoft is always disadvantaged and it will take a lot of time to build the community that will fight back. For now we have some grassroots movements, but it is still not enough as bashing Xbox and praising Sony sells.


I agree Bethesda has always been like that with their RPGs. And sure it would be nice for the games to come out sooner such as Elder Scrolls 6 and Fallout 5 but doing that will risk games like Starfield being potentially rushed and in an unfinished state which only makes it harder for the developers with causing crunch.

And even other studios most of the games are entirely new IP’s and even the games that are not new IP’s such as Fable, Perfect Dark, and Hellblade 2 they are either being done by an entirely different studio or switching to a new engine so that is going to add time to game development.

I do think eventually Microsoft will have a smoother and quicker game development cycle but it probably won’t be until after Microsoft hires more developers or adds more support studios which could happen after the ABK acquisition.

If the media makes a big deal out of Starfield and future Bethesda games not being on PlayStation after Sony bought timed exclusivity for Deathloop and Ghostwire Tokyo and also have other full exclusivity deals for the Final Fantasy games then I wouldn’t even listen to the media at that point.



Definitely broke in there, I have to wonder why the stores are different though. On the browser for me it has it at #2 but on console it’s #6, does the console just take longer to update.

Maybe the browser store includes PC too? :man_shrugging:

Fall guys isnt on the microsoft store

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You mean, you’re listening now?!?!?!?! lol


Then it must simply be a time disparity between Browser-based Xbox Store and Console-based Xbox Store.