Xbox Game Studios |OT9| How many games would a game studio make if a game studio could make games?

I’m sold.


If anything, speaking through a microphone has proven to be correlated with ignorance and stupidity with how accessible podcasting has become


Same. I can’t wait to play it

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Fall Guys really hammers home to me how Xbox sometimes doesn’t read the room. How has Fuzion Frenzy been shelved this long, especially now that GamePass exist.


A new fusion frenzy could totally work now. One part Mario Party, one part cloud game with 1 vs 100 or fall guys style interaction.

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Even with Fall Guys you can sense the budget, MS could 100% make Fuzion Frenzy a big game.

none of the dev studios currently under MS want to make fuzion frenzy… and i doubt third party devs are approaching MS about wanting to make a sequel.


I don’t understand why people don’t get this, people have to want to make the game for it to be a thing. MS ain’t gonna go to The Coalition tell em to pause Gears 6 and make a brand new Fusion Frenzy or Banjo, they’re not gonna ask Double Fine because they also don’t want to make either.

I can’t see why any 3rd party dev would want to either right now and shouldn’t we be pushing for new IP instead of trying to revive dead IP like Fusion Frenzy, I highly doubt that would bring out lots of people in the first place, I would rather a new IP in that style of game to be honest.


I think the best option for reviving older IP’s for Microsoft would be to acquire a support studio or hire more developers for their studios to work on multiple projects. But I also think the Initiative could also be a studio that revives older IP’s such as Fusion Frenzy after Perfect Dark is out.

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Some of this has to do with developers, including indie developers, making a pitch for such games to Xbox.

Note that we aren’t even seeing such titles on any other platform.

Rather it’s interesting that with Xbox allowing developers to pursue passion projects, from Grounded to Project Mara to Bleeding Edge, that none of these projects are anything like 1v100, Fall Guys, and so on.

You want these projects to exist organically and with a good amount of passion fueling them and it seems like many developers would rather work on other genres.

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That we know of.

Also there’s a difference between saying I want Xbox too make a game like Fall guys or how it would be good for the platform versus the reality of development.

Especially given party games and the like would be pretty solid for the cloud gaming stuff.

I will say Tango has that new Mobile gacha board game out and pouring more resources into a bigger version of that for consoles, PC. And cloud would be smart.

All of that is cool but my question is, do we honestly believe they’ve even looked into bringing Fuzion Frenzy back?

A man can dream…

I predict we get a fusion Frenzy like game… as the next entry in the Banjo franchise lol

Banjo has better chances to return

That will be the next title in the Fallout franchise.

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It’s interesting seeing all the discussion in here RE: Fall Guys and its ilk. The thing is, Double Fine’s next game is multiplayer, and that is one studio that refuses to be pigeonholed and his innovated in the MP space before. So their game is one I could easily see break out with MS resources.

Now, hopefully it looks good and hopefully the community writ large keeps their head one instead of going “It’s not a Sony style banger”, “Where’s Banjo” or whatever.


We know that for a fact about Double Fine? I thought it was just rumors, hmm

They were hiring for a multiplayer systems engineer 2 years ago

I’m surprised that Fall Guys is being used as the game that shows how much Xbox needs party games, specially when it hasn’t even been in the top 50 most played yet from just searching the store on Xbox.