Xbox Game Studios |OT9| How many games would a game studio make if a game studio could make games?

Obviously Obsidian

Just to prove my point look at my E3 proposal compared to what Xbox actually gave us. The current leadership thinks too small and moves too slow.

So you’d tell Obsidian they can’t work on Outer Worlds 2 and that they have to work on Fallout?

Outer Worlds is probably a small enough AAA that work could begin on Fallout spin-off concurrently.

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No, because they are working Avowed and Outer Worlds 2 simultaneously, alongside Grounded and Pentiment.

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I think the point is being lost. Honestly it doesn’t need to be Obsidian. Here is a truth about casual gamers that needs to be stated loudly. General gamers don’t know or care who makes most games. Only a small subset of gamers could tell you that the next Fallout game is made by a new developer. Gamers in general just want the ip. Sure they want the game to be good but they could care less which developers make the games.

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The point isn’t being lost, the point I am making is they don’t have anyone to do the work without taking them off their existing projects or not greenlighting the games they want to make.


Thank goodness Xbox has the leadership it does, oof.


I must not be the only one noticing that it’s starting to go from “let developers make what they want” to “no not like that! I meant what I want” :risi:


There’s also not very many of those big cinematic action-adventure game studios left either.

The only first party studio that fills this hole right now IMO is Ninja Theory however I’d argue Hellblade is quite ‘niche’ in its style. Tomb Raider would have been huge (hell Xbox previously paid 100 million just for timed exclusivity).

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You can wish for Fallout normally like the rest of us here but man you’re doing it wrong. Avowed and TOW are Obsidian’s babies, this is the first time in their history they’ve been allowed the freedom, resources and time to work on their own stuff and to their envisioned scope and ambitions.

Wishing they make a Fallout game is one thing, I’d certainly like that, but you’re making a whole lot of baseless assumptions. You don’t know if they’d want that especially now, you don’t know if BGS/Todd would even allow that.


Ryan McCaffrey is it you?

We should just accept that we won’t get all the games we want and become less attached to IP. Yeah, it is big but if studios want to do something else - we should just accept it.

Games companies can only move so fast when you’re talking about projects that take 3-4 years when things go smoothly and often longer if it’s a new IP or there’s major engine overhauls to perform. Leadership can’t just wave their hands and start a new Fallout game into production, especially when their goal has been to give their studios a level of freedom that would be betraying. Let’s look at your primary example, Obsidian. Obsidian currently have Grounded, Pentiment, Avowed and Outer Worlds 2 in development and have, last I heard, about 240 staff. Which is about half of what Bethesda Game Studios have, for context, and they are primarily a one game studio (other than a small number of staff working on Fallout 76 etc.) Adding an additional AAA project to that is not an easy task and if it’s going to happen it’s likely going to be as Avowed or Outer Worlds 2 finish and staff are freed up, while it’s not impossible they could scale up a smaller team to work on a AAA production this is somewhat difficult in the industry right now.

The same could be applied to pretty much any other studio, it’s tough to scale up and everyone has their own projects in the work - and really you’d still have to find a team that A: Wants to make Fallout and B: That Bethesda wants to work on Fallout.

I mean, I get it, as a huge Fallout fan I want to see the franchise become a mainstay of Xbox the game way Halo or Gears is with regular games and remakes and spin offs between main entires - but these things simply take time. We’re still not even at a point where we have even got past the Sony contracts part of the Bethesda acquisition. It’s going to take years to see the true fruit of this acquisition, same goes for Bethesda. I mean take a look at Mojang - Microsoft bought it back in 2014, one of the biggest franchises in the world, and it took 6 years for the first spin off to come out - but with another announced it looks like we’ll be seeing more regular side gmaes for that franchise.

To make a new FO game not only do you need 100s upon 100s of devs, you also need to have the right team, as devs alone won’t guarantee success, there’s a reason that outside of Obsidian which used their tools, BGS are the only ones to create games like FO and ES

Then you also have to prepare for a minimum 4 year dev time for a game of that scale as well as a team that actually wants to work on someone elses IP and not their own

Just how many teams do you think are out there that meat all of that criteria?

Please try to think about these things logically, if MS or BGS could pump out FO like the way you want them too they would

Obsidian are a roughly 200-250 dev studio

Roughly 100 each are working on Avowed and TOW2, give or take a dozen or 2 as well as devs on Grounded and Pentiment

I dont mean to sound rude but you’re extremely ignorant on what it takes to make these games nevermind something on the scale of a modern FO game

I could see Obsidian taking on Fallout at some point. It’s just not going to come at the expense of the projects they are working on right now, which means it could be awhile. I don’t think it’s going to be as big as what BGS is going to do with Fallout 5.

I don’t think Obsidian is as against working on outside IPs as some people here believe, not to mention they still have people at Obsidian that have worked on Fallout before, hell I think the creator of the series is still working there.

But yeah they aren’t removing anyone from TOW2, Avowed, Pentiment or Grounded to do so, so it would just have to happen when they get devs free’d up.

To be fair I was mostly baited into naming a specific developer so that my larger point could be ignored.

I don’t take as an excuse that an ip should be dormant simply because a specific developer is too busy. Gamers for the most part don’t care who makes the game. Nintendo doesn’t even make Smash Brothers and I guarantee you nobody cared.

Look things are probably only going to get even more frustrating for me once the Activison deal closes because I want things done faster than Xbox is capable of. Greenlight Crash, Tony Hawk and Simpson Hit and Run immediately. People here will tell me the developers don’t exist and I will find the lack of decisive action intolerable. :upside_down_face:

No, you couldn’t lol. That ego, man :sweat_smile: You think running a billion dollar busines is just picking some games and acquisitions?


Honestly, I think Obsidian taking Fallout after they ship Avowed and making an Outer Worlds size entry would be a killer idea.

Doesn’t have to be massive, doesn’t have to be the next tentpole game, but take the world of Fallout and give it another entry. Something in the 20-30 hour playtime. I think it would be smart.

In general, I think it’s something Xbox should be doing with a lot of their franchises. Make smaller experience in between the main series. Like Hivebusters, ODST, or Sony did with Miles Morales, First Light, Lost Legacy etc

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I mean this just isnt true, there is Xenoblade Chronicles, Yakuza, Persona, Dragon Quest, Dragons Dogma, and Tales.

JP Games is also working on a big AAA JRPG and Sega may be reviving one of theirs as a super game.

For anyone wondering why people are so hyped for Starfield…

The reason these games don’t die is due to:

  • Mods
  • Lack of any competition

The only Bethesda-like that was successful by another studio was Obsidian’s Fallout Vegas…which used their game engine and assets.


They certainly could have a small team doing preproduction and outlining the skeleton for a game now ornin tge near future.

From what I see looking around Obsidian is closer to 275 people right now btw.

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