Xbox Game Studios |OT9| How many games would a game studio make if a game studio could make games?

Speaking of mods I wonder what mod support will look like on Xbox. I really hope they don’t make mods block achievements. I hope it’s unified support for mods because I feel like you said this can be a timeless game


Just because there’s a team outside Nintendo doesn’t mean the same can be done for FO, not just any dev can go and make a Fallout game

Especially when it would require a team much MUCH bigger than anything that makes smash bros and a much bigger budget too

Developers exist but not in the way you suggest, these are massive undertakings and you’re seriously underestimating what it would take to make a new modern FO game, it’s not a lack of decisive action

Ok budget on the scale of FF then, none of those even come close, maybe Dragon’s Dogma 2 will get there now that modern Capcom are raking money in

Although im not sure people even consider it a JRPG, I havn’t played the first so I dont know

Random post but, this is stuff I really want from Xbox that is not announced:

  • Fallout: New Vegas 2 or other spin-off

  • Fallout 1&2 Remakes

  • Fallout 3 and New Vegas Remasters

  • Halo RPG/Adventure a la Mass Effect

  • Age of Empires IV on console

  • Gears of War 6

  • WW2 Combat Flight Simulator

  • Sea of Thieves PvE servers

  • Crackdown 4


Im not sure what the point of a Fallout 3 remaster would be. It is 4k/60fps on the Series X.


If only everyone thought like this and not just moved goalposts every time, people should have loved Xbox’s 2020 and 2021 showcases - tons of new game announcements and no dates. Personally, I’ve enjoyed the last three years immensely because it’s just been fast-paced announcements of game after game.


I just want mods on console

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I really enjoyed the -20 and -21 shows indeed! (better than this years…:wink: ) This year was allright, but it lacked the hopes and dreams. Very… un-epic.

The format of games-games-games though is excellent.


Console modding will always be limited.

Well, I guess it’s not much to be done without going into remake territory.

Not enough Fallout, I’d also like to see some side games in different genres. Gimmie a Fallout RTS, or a survival game or a tactics game. I’m happy either way!

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Yeah, it’s a bit unfortunate that there is absolutely nothing on the Fallout front. Apart from a vague Fallout 5 after TES VI sometime in 2035…

Hopefully there’s stuff in the works we just don’t know about yet. A tactics game, like Fallout Tactics: BoS would be neat indeed.


Fallout: Tactics from Firaxis sounds good indeed.


Yeah I think if they keep this format though, then future shows will be increasingly more interesting. We had a pretty good idea what was coming, but imagine future shows reveal a new Doom game, The Coalitions Game, Arkanes next project etc, and knowing were getting those within 12 months. That’ll be wild!

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You know what, every mainline IP should have its Tactics spin-off. Fallout Tactics. TES Tactics. DOOM Tactics. Halo Tactics. Perfect Dark Tactics. Fable Tactics. Dishonored Tactics.


Okay, I just wasn’t sure whether I was adhering too hard to the remaster/remake distinction.

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Combat flight Simulator, Jesus, now you’re speaking my language. I miss those kind of games. Crimson Skies back on the first Xbox was awesome! Fallout 1 and 2 remakes in the style of modern Fallout? Aw hell yes.

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For me personally, 2020 was a 7.0/10 showcase. 20 games showcased. 5 of the 20 were of interest to me with 4 of the 5 being new game reveals. Biggest negative was that it was way too CGI heavy.

2021 was an 8.5/10. 30 games showcased. 10 out of 30 were for me. 5 were new game reveals. 2022 was a 6.0/10. 30 games. Only 5 were for me. No new game reveals. No updates for any games that I have been waiting two years to see (Fable, Avowed and State of Decay 3). No third party AAA game reveals or gameplay shown like a Jedi Survivor for example. 2021 had a good ratio of gameplay as did 2022 so no issues in this regard. My biggest issue with the 2022 showcase was that 25 of the 30 games just aren’t for me which means that I barely got anything out of it and nothing new.

In general, for the last three years, my biggest gripe is that Microsoft’s showcases are simply Game Pass Showcases. That’s all they care about. If they can’t get a game day one on Game Pass, they’re not showcasing it at their major June event. In fact, im no longer expecting any AAA title to be revealed or shown at an any Xbox showcase unless it’s in Game Pass day one.

I don’t mind if Microsoft does a 12 month showcase but for the start of the show, they should have updates and new game reveals for the games that are beyond the 12 months. So basically, opening 30 minutes, games that are beyond 12 months and then 60 minutes for the games that are expected to be released within the next 12 months.

Outside of what I already said in regards to this year’s showcase, I would have preferred to be told that they’re only showing games for the next 12 months a few days beforehand because I would have decreased my expectations of seeing Avowed, Contraband and any new game reveals (InXile or Compulsion) going into the showcase.

Sarah Bond telling us that they were focusing on only the next 12 months completely deflated my interest while watching because as you already know, im not into Indie games. Classics or garbage, they’re not for me so knowing that it was just the next 12 months in addition to it being all centered around day one Game Pass, I knew I was getting an average showcase for me personally.


Oh good luck at Id. And maybe that somehow means Avatar is in its final development stage and ready to be show, I hope we see that game soon.