Xbox Game Studios |OT9| How many games would a game studio make if a game studio could make games?

if it wasn’t obvious before, Jezz said on the defining duke podcast that the development of Fable is fine. and oh said that Avowed will have guns (musket).


Interesting! Man I can’t wait to see this game. Hope they have a fun combat system. It isn’t easy, truly well implemented, engaging and fun first person combat.


It is literally two posts above :sweat_smile:

Oh fuck, my bad. I meant this

I didn’t know there were two versions of this art

Was talking over Live at the same time, I do foolish shit sometimes then, lol. I didn’t meant to copy and paste that tweet.

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I guess it is Warzone 2. It hasn’t been announced I believe. Imagine it launching in cloud like Fortnite did.

Probaly related to Zombies. Treyarch isn’t the main dev of Warzone 2 AFAIK


I see. So with Zombie launch, Warzone 2 launch - and presumably all F2P…Imagine all of them launch in cloud (unless Sony somehow blocks it) :fire:

It is still crazy how lucky for Sony with getting all these COD games under the contracts. MW2, Warzone 2, Zombie and potentially the next COD.

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Unless insiders are mistaken, Sony’s deal is specifically for MW2, Warzone and CoD2024

Which would mean if the acquisition goes through before the zombie game is out it would likely be Xbox marketing it

That level editor would be a big deal, hate the idea of a CoD subscription though, maybe MS can include it within GP for free when the deal goes through

Insiders haven’t seen the contracts and were not aware about Zombie COD game at all. The basic assumption was the next three games because contracts expire in 2023.

Yea it plays alot like valorant but different enough as well. I think it would make the perfect live service game. Update the game make new maps and crazy sci fi / fantasy skins would take minimal investment and if it finds its audience it will make lots of money

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I feel that id Software is at its prime after Eternal and that the next DOOM is going to be phenomenal.



I want iD and The Coalition to make their own original IPs.


How do I like this more than once ?

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The coalition is being wasted on gears me thinks.

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Give me Starcraft Ghosts from Coalition.

Also Quake is Id’s own original IP

Yeah i mean a new IP, Doom and Quake are 90s games and I doubt anyone at the studio was around for the original games.