I have met many complete morons at university, I don’t see what that has to do with anything haha. Unfortunately education does not guarantee that you are a normal person.
I wish these iNfLuEnceRs would just play games and talk about those instead of all this bs.
This 100%. If Microsoft stops announcing games that are like 5 years away, there would be no negativity because the game technically wouldn’t exist due to the fact that it wasn’t officially announced. Let’s say there’s no gameplay until a year from now and is then two more years away from release. That’s 5 freaking years. Microsoft needs to stop doing this simply because it’s only going to lead to negativity towards the game and development studio especially when you’re approaching two years since the reveal and no gameplay has been shown whatsoever.
And this doesn’t help matters but could easily be avoided by not announcing games early (in this case, Redfall as Starfield was announced 4 years ago??? And even more so, stop putting a release date on games until they’re 3-6 months out and you know the studio will hit that date.
You would think that after announcing Halo Infinite for Holiday 2020 at E3 2019 only for it to get delayed 13 months that Microsoft would simply stop doing this shit.
In my opinion, Microsoft’s biggest enemy is themselves as at times, they end up shooting themselves in the foot.
I agree with most of this except for MS announcing games too early. We pretty much know that when these games are announced when they are it’s as much if not more about recruiting , as getting gamers excited about a new project.
As for people like Gaz, i wish they would just keep things like this to themselves instead of blurting it out on podcasts. Mostly because today’s gamers have zero idea of how game development works. Neither do the shitty “Gaming” Youtubers they listen to to get their “misinformation” from. The gaming media these days at large aren’t really out to inform as much as clickbait , sadly. So naturally these things get twisted and used as ammo in console wars. Gaming discourse as a whole is kinda fucked these days sadly and these people have a lot to do with it.
Goal Posts will be moved no matter what, disingenuous takes will continue undeterred, so they should announce what they want when they want. All that matter in the end is folks subscribing to Game Pass and playing and buying games. The rest is just noise.
They had a choice of either announcing games too early or show nothing, I think most people would agree the latter is much more damaging
Going forward they will be fine and the early announcements wont happen as much but things like Fable, SoD3 and others getting announced was a result of them finally only taking gaming and their first party seriously by the end of last gen
Acquiring 8 studios in two years already showed people that Microsoft was finally taking gaming seriously and let’s say, they don’t show Fable of SOD 3 in July 2020. With the Bethesda acquisition announced two months later which let’s be honest, at that point, they probably knew they were getting them, this would have proved without a shadow of a doubt that they were finally taking gaming seriously.
The thing is if Sony did not have contracts on Ghostwire and Deathloop (another oversight of Microsoft, they should really start to pursue third party deals more), they could have shown those games.
A lot of problems would be avoided if Microsfot just had more marketing deals.
Announcing acquisitions mean nothing if theres no games to show, people are already cracking up with only having “E3” for xbox, the whole “MS has no games” sthick would be taken to a whole other level without those CG reveals
Can we please stop with the “MS announced games too early” stuff? It is extremely clear why they had to in 2020, because they didn’t have anything else.
If they are still announcing games way too early in 2022 and 2023 when then let’s have that discussion.
True. But this is also why Microsoft SHOULD go after games to be timed exclusive for Xbox and by that, I mean major third party AAA titles because when it’s empty ala now, these games can help fill the void.
As for Deathloop and Ghostwire Tokyo, I personally would have paid off whatever the amount would have been to cancel the PS5 versions and make them fully exclusive to Xbox or at the very least, eliminate the one year timed exclusivity.
I just want to see Microsoft put their fan base first even if it means doing stuff that pisses off media or this or that. At times, it feels like they care more about their competition than they do their own fan base.
I agree to an extent. This is why Microsoft should go heavy with timed exclusive games. It helps fill the void when there’s no first party releases.
Fair enough. Of course, im pretty sure we can both agree that they will. lol