Xbox Game Studios |OT9| How many games would a game studio make if a game studio could make games?

And everyone should admit that it was the best launch trailer ever, from any and all events across all of time.


Hahaha…is that why you said 2022 and 2023??? Conveniently leaving out 2021??? Well played. :slight_smile:

It was excellent. It also let us know what their other big project were, which kills a lot of speculation bs.

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It was nicely done. Such trailers are fine for the games of the known value.

When MS were keeping announcements close to the vest people complained that they should “be like Sony” and announce games earlier, they do that and people complain. Almost like people don’t actually know what they want or something.

The funny part is Sony announced games at the outset of the PS3 lifecycle that didn’t actually ship until a gen later (looking at you Last Guardian and Ni Oh) and nobody bats an eyelash, in that instance hey seem to except that sometimes in game development shit happens and things don’t always go to plan. Go figure! Metroid Prime was announced in what, 2017? Yet nobody is coming at Nintendo for "announcing too early "

I hope that MS continues to announce games early because am interested in seeing what they have coming. Not to mention these things are announced when they are for recruitment purposes, they’re not going to stop for rando forum goers who have a problem with it.


Since then Nintendo released so many games that not having Metroid Prime did not really matter. Though people still mention Metroid Prime announcement from time to time.

I can’t believe that it has been 12 years, if you would have asked me I would have say maybe 6 or 7.


Sperasoft announces development support for Fallout 76

USA, Burbank, CA – May 31, 2022Sperasoft, a leading games development company headquartered in the heart of Silicon Valley, is pleased to announce its contribution to Fallout 76 ® , an online action role-playing video game developed by Bethesda Game Studios and published by Bethesda Softworks.

Over the past two years, Sperasoft, a Keywords Studio , has worked closely with Bethesda Game Studios to provide 3D art: props, apparel, and character assets. The team of experienced artists continues to support Fallout 76 through the latest season updates.


Thats the second team that’s announced they are working on 76 content

Wonder what Austin are up to

My guess is either Fallout 5 or they’re helping out with Starfield.

76 and the (future) Expeditions probably (besides support on Starfield).

BGS Montreal also seems to be hiring for some positions on 76.

Phil Spencer unlocked his first 2 Jiggies in Banjo-Kazooie lol.

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Hes toying with us dammit

Hopefully not working on FO76.

Reveal June 8


I’m getting excited for Compulsion’s game. Knowing it’s a third person action adventure and fantasy has me hyped for damn sure.

Plus, especially after having played We happy Few, which had a lot of great things going for it, only marred by a few other things shows how promising this studio is. Plus Phil has made it clear too, not to sleep on this studio.

I wonder if the game is going to have puzzles too, because I remember before we found out it was a action adventure that rumors said it was a puzzler.


Agreed. Hoping that when they do reveal it, it’s with a gameplay trailer.

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