Xbox Game Studios |OT9| How many games would a game studio make if a game studio could make games?


I wonder if they will have tie-ins with Halo Infinite multiplayer spartans. And then imagine future Gaas Halo.

Like your multiplayer spartan is availabe in BR and Gaas campaigns. Would be neat.

I agree. I thought Halo 4 was a great game as well and I also enjoyed the multiplayer and maps even if it wasn’t at the same level as Bungie.

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To be fair the point of making the season twice as long wasn’t to make twice as much content, just to give themselves more time to work on everything else they have to work on right now. I think if they can start putting out 2 maps every 3 months alongside new modes and other content they’ll be doing pretty well.


new content confirmed and you guys still complain, lol.


Always surprised by how some Halo fans talk about 343i and Halo in a conspiracy theory manner like they’re out to get them real Halo fans.

What does “should have been” mean? Do you think they artificially delay content just to… spite you or something? And “they made sure the shop worked” like yeah? that’s the economy of the game, and why do you act like, pretend if there was no shop at all, that it would make content be made and delivered faster somehow?

You know you can point out the shortcomings and criticise without this emotional, entitled fanboy rant behavior


demanding how fast devs should move for a f2p game lol.


The headline is misleading. There’s no “news” or even hint of a rumor. It’s just the writer speculating based on Bugsnax DLC which was planned/announced before the GP/Xbox announcement anyway. A lot of things “could” happen because another thing happened. Poor writing.

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I agree the article is a bit misleading but I also wouldn’t be surprised if Deathloop were to get a DLC or something when it comes to Xbox. Especially with it being nominated for game of the year Arkane studios could do more with it.

If they make Avowed a series then I hope they go back to the Deadfire Archipelago sometime. I loved the nautical pirate setting in the second game compared to the dark setting in the first PoE.

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As someone who has been critical of 343 in regards to content updates for the last 6 months, it’s hard to find a fanbase more shitty and toxic than Halo’s

From Softs fans continue to get worse with every game but Halo fans are a different breed of toxic

Once they get into their groove im sure the updates will come out faster and forge when it finally arrives will allieviate a lot of pressure too when they’ll have everyone else to make content too


(Some)Halo mans != Xbox mans, Their a different breed, 343 just needs to listen to those who actually want the game to do better, Halo is fine spot they have good leads. I have a feeling this time next year they will be just fine

Between campaign co-op, Forge, Tatanka, future campaign DLC’s, I have no worries for the future of Halo.


I agree


You could actually try and respond to what he’s actually saying instead of the “lol triggered” shit you’re trying to pull


If only people would understand that the backend transactional services and CDN engineers aren’t the same as the gameplay and systems engineers.


It’s great that Mike Ybarra is in charge of Blizzard.