Xbox Game Studios |OT9| How many games would a game studio make if a game studio could make games?

After Pirates of the carrabiean expansion, Sea of Thieves has really took off

They have something to announce every month now.

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I remember in the concept art for PD Joanna had handcuffs, I wonder if they’ll be used in gameplay somehow.

Already half way through the month! Hopefully we get to see Starfield and much more in less than two months, honestly wish Xbox would be more exciting during the first half of the year, feels like ages ago since we’ve had an Xbox first party game early in the year and they always save any big news for the summer, thank God for Elden Ring and now GOTG on Gamepass, at least they’re keeping me distracted a bit.

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Likely means that they worked on the WIndows Store version of the game.

High chance of finally seeing something substantial from this game in about two months.

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If it - at least allegedly - launches in Q1-Q2 2023, they will show it 100%

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I wonder if they announce the DLC and the BR mode at E3

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Potentially. Do we have E3 prediction thread?

Are we sure this is not a book or something?

We should start one and and keep score of how correct each person’s predictions were haha

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Well after you finished the campaign you get a hint of this.

I hope so especially since that would be a great way to show that content will continue to come to Halo Infinite.

Yeah. Halo is good at everything aside the lack of content. It is literally the only problem it has.


Only two maps is rather disappointing yeah, after this many months. And let’s not forget how huge this studio is in terms of employees. Hopefully it will pick up as time goes on, especially with everyone back in the actual studios again too.

I can understand why there would be criticism for only two maps but with how much quality and detail 343 put into the Catalyst and Breaker maps I am fine with only two maps if it means the rest of the maps will be the same quality. Since I would rather take quality maps rather than quantity since the quantity will eventually come especially with a 10 year plan for Halo Infinite.

That’s true, but I miss the times of Halo 4 in terms of amount of maps and also how good they were. I know 4 gets a lot of hate, but me and my friends loving its MP.

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