Xbox Game Studios |OT3| Once more....with feeling (Part 1)

LOL. I mean all entitled gamers are assholes, whether it is PC of Console players.

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exactly lol, I just be chillin here playing all kinds of games on whatever platform I want.

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and so it beginsā€¦


there are some who still took this news and went with ā€œPS5 is the version to go for because it is stable 60fps without dropsā€ lmao

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Yeah. I miss the days when we all used to tell stories and share experiences with each other of games. Now its mostly whining and fighting with each other stating whose opinion is more relevant than others. I mean some criticisms are justified but dragging it for days makes no sense, infact it takes the joy out of games.

For example I posted the Screenshots in excitement and maybe we can start a conversation but you see hardly any engagement on that thread. I wish to do more but no one is posting so wont allow me to post back to back.

I only like to complain about medias unfair coverage of XBOX especially their hypocrisy, but I never bitch about games whether I like them or not of if they are justified or not, because I know what goes into development of these games. So have a soft corner for that.



doesnā€™t matter, XBOT!


LOL. I am more of a MSBOT than an XBOT.

And here I am playing on PC with mostly Ultra Settings with an average 50FPS and enjoying the games to the fullest.

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This is going to be even worse over time as XSX continues to develop its tools

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can we keep the Digital Foundry talk in the Digital Foundry thread


Looking forward to Gears 6 as long as itā€™s more like Hivebusters (linear, action sequences, no filler, etc.) than Gears 5. I would love to see a survival horror Gears game in between Gears 6 and Gears 7. They have the monsters and everything already so it would easily fit.

As for Game Pass subscriptions, it was 10m as of March 31st, 2020. Itā€™s over 20m as of December 31st, 2020. Forget Gears 5. It was and still is the Covid-19 pandemic thatā€™s increasing the subscription numbers. Add in the two new consoles and there you go.

I really enjoyed Gears 5 and I enjoyed most of the open world sections too. If they are going the semi open world exploration route, I want to see full towns or see how the gears world lives and operates rather than empty buildings.


Please not the Gears talk again.


Let the Gears talk Die. Please. Or please Discuss under the Gears Thread.


Strongly agreeā€¦ Couldnā€™t care less :neutral_face:

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:eye: :lips: :eye: :raised_back_of_hand:


Now guys what could it be :o

Have somebody mentioned geā€¦:zipper_mouth_face:

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I have no idea but man, it seems Xbox really isnā€™t done getting studios added to XGS. Shouldnā€™t be too surprising, Satya said it too last year. But it sounds like big stuff!

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