Tinykin leaving is a huge one, if you’ve not played it get on it, it’s absolutely amazing.
I’ve been interested in Gris since it first was released, so that’s cool that’s dropping.
Tinykin leaving is a huge one, if you’ve not played it get on it, it’s absolutely amazing.
I’ve been interested in Gris since it first was released, so that’s cool that’s dropping.
Gris is a nice surprise
Tinykin and Immortality for me. Goal is to beat both before it leaves.
After that, not touching any other game for like 2-3 months nonestop with 100% Starfield lol.
I wanted to get 1000GS on Tinykin, but I don’t think I have it in me to track down all the pollen I missed.
Damn, Immortality.
Really wanted to give that a chance and I tried last year but had a hard time getting into, just wasn’t in the mood I guess. Now neck deep in RDR2 and soon Starfield.
Ah well.
Gris is nice to see again, last time it was only on PC. Other than that, meh.
If you haven’t played Immortality, you should before it leaves. Awesome experience.
Immortality is a 2-3 hours commitment. Try it. Really great experience if you like indie/experimental/arty stuff.
Immortality and Tinykin are both great, and not too long. Definitely give those a shot!
And good riddance to Black Desert, I never want to have to play that thing for rewards points again.
Let’s see how Sea of Stars turns out. Have high expectations after The Messenger. Will definitely play it, but not on release date.
Glad to hear Immortality isn’t TOO long. I keep meaning to play that & then not doing so. And 100% on Black desert reward points.
I played Tinykin for a few hours when it released and thought it was a cute game. I don’t think collectathons are really for me though unfortunately.
I might try it again along with Commandos before they leave.
I know they moved into this one big day one release a month with some smaller indie day ones/ older indies
But I do admit I miss the b tier stuff I really sank my time into with gamepass the previous year.
So this month kinda bums me out as outside of sea of stars. (Have zero interest in Texas chainsaw ) not really anything
Texas Chainsaw Massacre is actually getting good reviews so far I did NOT expect that, those games tend to do mid reviews. I would like to give it a try but I’m not in the capacity to invest into a multiplayer game right now.
Last year’s AA/indies were so good. Tunic, Tinykin, Scorn, Signalis, Prodeus, Immortality, Midnight Fight Express. Just that I remember.
This year’s similar notable releases for me have been Amnesia The Bunker, F.I.S.T, and Planet of Lana.
They seem to be going for AAA/ish day one releases with fewer games overall, but that’s not really why I was into Game Pass personally, I’m really into it for the unique and quality AA/indies. I hope it’s just a timing and schedule thing and not a strategy change. Looking at the games of this year I really don’t think there’s a problem with the games they picked, so much there was actually good and well received, but I think they miss that element of uniqueness and surprise that come more from indies and smaller games.
Immortality only takes about 7 or 8 hours. Not to mention you can watch it all on youtube. Just get the achievements.
Wow, it felt way shorter to me. You can basically fast forward the scenes at some point. It took me two evening sessions to get to the end. Also, playing in the evening/at night is mandatory.
Seems like Age of Empires IV (console/cloud) might be coming to Game Pass and will be available later today as well.
EDIT The tweet has now been deleted.
i hope they will bring the remaining AOE games like 1 and 3.
AoEIV is shadowdropped today!