Xbox Game Pass |OT| Our Backlogs Are Doomed

…and Sega, with a dash of Capcom.


I mentioned first party? :wink:

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Yeah, definitely looks like it.

Sheesh, now that would be something if that were to happen.

Suits me fine. Some of my best gaming experiences in the semi-recent past has been Indies. Tinykin, Return to Monkey Island, Norco…

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ER sales and engagement on xbox is pretty huge. Probably the best selling non multiplayer game on xbox this gen including all first party. (Pure sales) im sure they looked at the numbers and said its probably not worth the money to put on gamepass yet. Maybe in the future. The game is still selling well and not on sale often


Anyone else looking forward to Lamplighters League?

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I finished Chicory recently, and - though I enjoyed it - I feel like the reviews were maybe a bit inflated:

My partner has dabbled in art before and found it much more affective than I did. I’m sure that that’s a factor but part of me wonders if the fact that it was PC/PS-exclusive was a factor too.

Cute game, worth a play.



Or maybe it could be affecting why you don’t think it should be rated higher?

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Always possible, but I think it’s more likely that it didn’t hit me as hard because I’m not really the target demographic. I imagine that a lot of critics got started with creative writing and the themes of the game resonated more with them.

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Don’t know which thread this one belongs in, but figured this one is a good contender. I’ve seen the 70-80% figure mentioned elsewhere, but it’s interesting to note the speculation that ABK games will only be available to GPU subscribers.

Can’t say I understand the logic in that…

Reading that in that paragraph, I almost wonder if the usage of Game Pass Ultimate there actually was meant to just be “Game Pass.” Because the rest of the wording sounds to me that they are attempting to just explain that it won’t be on competing services.

I get that it says ultimate, but the rest of it isn’t saying it will only be in the highest tier and I’d expect that distinction if it’s what they have meant.


This is kinda what I got from it. The reason why they probably said Ultimate specifically is because if they just said “Game Pass”, well… There’s Core which doesn’t include the first party games.

I know those two paragraphs aren’t meant to be for marketing or anything but it makes me wonder how they’ll promote games on GP since saying “Game Pass Console, Game Pass PC and Game Pass Ultimate” might be a mouthful.

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That paragraph is referencing cloud streaming so the use of game pass ultimate is for xcloud; The EU was concerned that ABK content would be exclusive to xcloud and not on other streaming services. Xcloud is only available in ultimate.

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Good point, I missed that context but it still doesn’t mean that it will be NOT available on the regular Game Pass console tier which is how people are interpreting it.

Yeah, not sure. I think they’ve already had to make some distinction because of not everything coming to console, pc and xCloud at the same time, so they have had to specify at least which platform it was hitting, so that might still be the differentiator. They do seem to end up in awkward wording situations…

Good question. Makes me wonder if they’ll include xCloud in all tiers before long. Would go a long way towards solving this issue, and it’d also make the different tiers be easier to understand:

  • Core: a curated collection of console games + xCloud
  • Console: the full collection of console games + xCloud
  • PC: the full collection of PC games + xCloud
  • Ultimate: all of the above

It would even allow for the roll-out of a PC Core tier, which obviously would be “a curated collection of PC games + xCloud.”

Then, if the game coming to Game Pass is included on xCloud, they can simply say “Coming to Game Pass.”

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My idea:

Xbox Game Pass.

That’s it. One sub, everything included.

Game Pass getting more silly than PS Extra Deluxe Ultra Premium or whatever it’s called.


Don’t recall If someone mentioned it, but was Benedict Fox ever updated for those QOL features to smooth out the experience? I tried a search online and saw the Steam version was rusted in late June I believe, and the Xbox patch would follow.

I think there’s still a better choice of entry into GP than PS+ but I get that eventually it’s all adding some confusion so that you don’t bother to research and just buy the highest sub/tier. It’s a term called confusopoly, capitalism things lol

Now hear me out… What if they name it Game Pass Plus Ultra! instead?