Xbox Game Pass |OT| Our Backlogs Are Doomed

It would be cool if they added Towerfall at some point too. Fantastic local multiplayer game and probably the only reason the Ouya survived as long as it did. :crossed_fingers: EarthBlade launches on Game Pass.

Toem caught my eye a while back, probably on a Nintendo Direct. Another good drop for me with nothing I care about leaving and 3-5 interesting-looking games.

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GwG-people taking over Game Pass. It all makes sense now…


A joke about the HUGE games coming this time.

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You can all thank me later.



Aaah, got it.

Yeah, it’s nothing too crazy.

Is there any chance this is a tease? Every other one she’s done (at least on Threads) has been a Game Pass game.

That would be incredible.

It’s funny, someone on OtherERA is downplaying it by saying it’s just a dumb game she’s playing and listing all of the times she’s done it recently thinking that closes the issue. Each one of the games is either on or coming to Game Pass. I’m not saying it’s coming for sure, just that seems like it could be a potential tease.

Best not to get our hopes up. But if it happens, that would be awesome. Ideally before September. :wink:

Honestly, it kinda is time for some big stuff to come to the service again. Sure, we had NFS this month, but that IS EA Play, a truly heavy hitter such as ER would be very welcome.

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nvm its a pong

Is this is a Rockstar Table Tennis Tease?

I would absolutely love it if Elden Ring hit Game Pass. I tried a few Souls games and didn’t like them, but on the other hand, I’ve heard a lot of great things about ER and it’s possible its different nature would address the issues I had with the ones I played.

It would be really good to see Xbox spending some big money on a huge title like this, for sure. I feel it doesn’t happen often enough. For me it still feels this used to happen more often a few years ago with titles like DMC5 and Shadow of The Tomb Raider quite soon after release. Or Guardians of the Galaxy and so on.

The first half of this month was good with GTA 5 (I have it, but that doesn’t matter) and NFS Unbound, but the second half just isn’t great at all. Two game Preview titles, come on now, and some of the others could actually have been a GwG title.

These games were commercial disappointments, quite the opposite of Elden Ring.

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Finished TOEM, a fun little game. If you dont want to 100% it, you can easily finish it in 2 hours.

Simple, fun and short. Give it a shot.

After a long time a good month for me. TOEM, Dordogne and Bramble. All these games I would have never tried it if it wasnt for gamepass


The dream is dead. Well not my dream, I hate Souls games.

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I wonder how much From would be asking for this. I’m sure MS can afford it, but I guess there are all kinds of reasons.

I do hope one of these days we get a huge surprise on the scale of that though. Maybe it’s just me but GP could use more of that.

I don’t think this is going to be a thing going forward. Game Pass is now a first party subscription service with a lot of indies thrown in between releases now by the looks of it.

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