Xbox Game Pass |OT| Our Backlogs Are Doomed

I can’t keep up with all these games! It’s absolutely glorious! :raised_hands:

Woke up today morning started playing Spiritfarer again and just kept doing small side quests, collecting resouces and didnt really progress the story too much.

Thought I had a good mini session and looked at the time. To my surprise I spent 3HOURS straight.

This game is just amazing


It’s also blown the fuck up on steam already raking in Overwhelmingly positive reviews. Can’t wait to play it, the animation and just the whole atmosphere and characters are so charming.

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It’s a massive game. Played it everyday since launch and have the feeling I barely touched the surface. To me it feels like a 2D Wind Waker. Really great game with a lot of stuff to discover and nice animations and ideas throughout.


Played Darksiders Genesis for about 90 minutes and didn’t enjoy my time with the game. Might drop off this one.

Really had high hopes, thought it would be fun with coop but it wasn’t. The fixed camera and the map UI didn’t help with my enjoyment either.

It’s a decent attempt at a fun ARPG, but it feels like the devs have never spent much with one to know what mistakes to avoid. Platformer parts from a top-down view? A map where you’re unsure where you are? Long spells of nothingness as you walk around? These things don’t happen in games like Diablo 3 or Torchlight 2 for good reason.

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This is what put me off completely. Was always feeling lost about where to go and the camera shouldnt be fixed for a game like this. Not being able to freely move the camera really annoyed me

Xbox Game Pass / xCloud Korea advertising

Touhou Luna Nights will be released on september, 3, on Xbox One and PC - included with your Xbox Game Pass subscription in both platforms.


Yes! Been waiting for this one for a while now. It’s also the first time a Touhou game (even if an authorized fan game) hits a Microsoft console.

Same, played for a couple minutes and stopped, not for me. I started way too many games anyway, it’s fine :stuck_out_tongue:

Really enjoying Spiritfarer, Undermine and New Super Lucky’s Tale now.

<3 Gamepass


Hotshot Racing will be released on september, 10, day one on Xbox Game Pass for console.

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This looks incredible. Whoever at Microsoft is responsible for the indie games on Gamepass has a great eye for games.

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Seems like Microsoft is just focusing on new indie games, they’re not adding old ones? I’d be thrilled if added darkest dungeons and Inside, but chances for that are very slim.

I think Inside has been on XGP allready. It might come back, some games do.

I did have fun in co-op for about 20 hours or so, then dropped it.

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The Touryst is a fun little game to try out. The best thing about the game are the visuals. The art-style is unique and charming at the same time.

Played it for 3 to 4 hours for some achievements and dropped off it after 3 to 4 hours. Felt like I have seen everything that I need see and I am not in to puzzles, even if they are simple.

If it wasn’t for Gamepass wouldn’t have never tried it. A Decent little game


Hypnospace Outlaw is best game on game pass.

I’m pretty sure it wasn’t on gamepass, but it was on games with gold, maybe you confused it with gwg? At the time I wasn’t subscribed to gold so I missed it. Is there a way to request some games on gamepass :smiley: