Xbox Game Pass |OT| Our Backlogs Are Doomed

When was this? Is this in the most recent episode cuz I haven’t watched that. The whole live show at 4am IST has thrown me off lol.

But from what I remember, he said it was alluding to both WD:L and MLB in a recent podcast.

And he’s talked about Sekiro as a game to wait on if you’re wanting to buy in the coming months, which is a very blatant hint lol. Chances are it can be PS Plus instead too, but he has certainly spoken on Sekiro.


I have no recollection regarding what he said about Sekiro.

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Played Second Extinction for an hour, if you have a friend or two that game is great. Turn the dialogue off and have fun blowing up dinosaurs. Really solid for a game preview launch, kinda ugly at times though.

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Too late though. :rofl:

I bought it some time back. In my backlog.

I have started visualizing you as the T-800 of gaming and gaming reviews. I hardly get time to do one in a week, and I see you roll out 5 reviews in 5 days — well, almost!. :slight_smile:

Oh like you’re Brad fricken Pitt, human

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I’ve finished the game like six or seven times now, and played through the entire update with new movesets for bosses. It’s gonna be great for gamepass tho cuz it’s GOTY 2020 but also first Activision game on GP.

Please play it when you get the chance.

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The side effect of working part-time from home and getting the opportunity of a life time to try and build up a site like this.


7 times. WTF!

Did you change the controller mappings or went with the default?

Nahh, Mouse and keyboard all the way on my PC. Did try playing with controller, the basic attack and deflect I could keep up with but step dodging and all that was feeling a bit hit or miss, so went back to MKB.

And yeah lol, the game has 4 endings, with different versions of the bosses in some of them, plus it had the best melee combat and bosses I’ve played in recent memory so it pushed me wanting to master it over several runs. It’d largely been NG+ runs until we got a Boss rush mod which I played through how many times I’ve no idea, then the official boss rush mode came with some challenge runs and updated moves, which added some more difficulty and variety to the bosses so played through the game again. Doing damageless runs of bosses was a big time sink in its own haha

Really really wanted a DLC for the game, it’s annoying how the only From game that got GOTY has no DLC but Bloodborne and DS games got them and particularly great ones too. :frowning:

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You are pushing me away from Plague tale and towards Sekiro…

Do it!

Hesitation is defeat

You’ll learn the importance of the above line once you do play Sekiro haha

Plague Tale is prolly shorter, so finish that and get to Sekiro next.

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I 100% take this back. After trying the first campaign mission it forced us into the hardest zone in the game where I was interrupted/knocked down no less than 200 times in 30 minutes. Any game that constantly takes control away from you is bad, and this one interrupts any reloading, healing, special abilities you’re doing with a ridiculously fast flipping spinning dino that ruined it for me. Uninstalled the game that was so frustrating.

Lol that was quick.

Oof, sounds rough. It’s in early access right? Hopefully that’s something they can work on.

Finish Plague Tale. Great game. Plus it’s like 15 hours at most.

Ouch. Already was skipping Second Extinction but even more so now. UGH.

In general, im hoping Microsoft can get Necromunda Hired Gun day one. I would be so very happy!!!

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I’m having my fun with Second Extinction, but it is really frustrating playing with randoms.

Got in a lobby with another two players. Two of us did all the objectives, but at the final one the three of us needed to be at the same place. One of us was doing optinional missions on the other side of the map. I went across the map after him, and then he started going to the main objective – while doing all the optional in the way.

After 40 minutes, when the three of us were together, the objective updated. The two randoms disconnected, and I was left alone to fight a T-Rex. I barely made it.

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Get someone from Xboxera community with you.

We need some call form of call-for-coop here.

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That frigging Flatback is the damned devil. I’ll try it again after some balancing and hopefully they realizing “constantly taking away control from the player is a bad thing”.