Xbox + Bethesda E3 2021- June 13th @ 10AM PST/1PMEST/6PMBST- Pre-E3 Discussion Thread!


It will be a glorious webcam bonanza! Super-rad!

If Sony can get away with showing the same 3 games at like 3 straight E3 then we can do the same over here.

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Yep, I think so too.

I expect itā€™s only a 90 minute show because the first 45 minutes are just the first episode of the Halo TV show and theyā€™ll bring back that one guy from the Xbox One reveal to just occasionally intercede with ā€œTVā€ over it.


Nothing wrong with showing games back to back years. Horizon and God of War were shown back to back years but hereā€™s the difference - the first time they were revealed was with GAMEPLAY. Thatā€™s the difference. Microsoft doesnā€™t seem to do this and when they do, it usually disappoints like Halo Infinite.

I donā€™t have a problem seeing games two years in a row as long as itā€™s gameplay from the start because thatā€™s simply my expectation and anything less is disappointing to me.

Sony and MS do things differently. MS have to land Halo and theyā€™re going to make sure it gets all the headlines and exposure this E3

Nah. It is actually very simple if no avowed.

They donā€™t want to show cgi for it twice. The gameplay is not ready. The dumbest thing they could do is show gameplay that isnā€™t ready.

The people want avowed, Hellblade, and fable to be showpieces. They have to get the gameplay reveal right.

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Weird that Colt just dropped the Halo Infinite coming in September thing like it was accepted fact

Iā€™ve heard that from someone much more in the know than me. And was really excited at the prospect of it because itā€™s precisely what Iā€™d been hoping they do. The assumed November notion always bugged, because it felt arbitrary that it had to be then due of the 20 year anniversary thing. Like what if the game is completely ready to go a month, or two earlier? We really have to wait all that extra time just because? To hell with that dreck

So I was very happy to learn that a big, unsaid bit of insider rumblings was the game is actually launching in Septemberā€¦And here Colt is just blurting that shit out, like itā€™s just this pubicly known entity

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A botched showing seriously hampers a game. MS wont talk until theyā€™re ready

That sounds fucking awesome to me.

Remember the media has a different standard for xbox. If xbox did that the media will be all over xbox for showing the same game too many times.


True but if Psychonauts 2 releases in September, I donā€™t know why they would want Halo in September too. Also, I would think that they would have more stock ready for November with Black Weekend and then Christmas/Holidays.

Only reason I see September is to get ahead of Battlefield and COD but even then, people are going to play what they want to play anyway.

Another reason why I think November is a guarantee is because of MP. If they have an open beta, no way in hell they implement changes and whatnot by September. Thereā€™s just no way.

Personally, im hoping for November so my fall lineup can be Far Cry 6 in October, Halo Infinite in November and Dying Light 2 in December.

The fire in here is hilarious to me. Cant wait to see the five or more new AAA games.

I absolutely canā€™t wait to see the multiplayer side of halo infinite. Iā€™ve been waiting 3 years to see it, and Iā€™m hoping to play the game for 10 years like Iā€™ve done with halo 3. I canā€™t wait to see a gameplay/story trailer for the campaign.

Iā€™m stoked to get a first look at starfield the biggest singleplayer game Xbox has ever made. It isnā€™t a new aaa announcement but it feels like it.

Hype through the roof!!!


Pysychonauts 2 is August, IIRC. Rand was suggesting this recently.

Okay. Weā€™ll know for sure in less than 10 days as several games should have release dates so it will definitely be clearer then. I can see it in August but if Flight Simulator is August, I would think that Microsoft would want to put Psychonauts 2 in September just so they have a game every month for four months in a row heading into the holiday shopping season.

I can assure you itā€™s not

I would never bother even spending 60 seconds to register a login at that shit hole of a forum

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Thatā€™s not true. Will yā€™all please stop repeating this. And Everwild not being there is just speculation.


U donā€™t think 343 canā€™t implement balancing changes in 3 months?

Flight sim on a controller is going to be interesting. 100 odd controls to be operated using twin sticks and 8 buttons.