Xbox announces Developer_Direct for January 18th - Indiana Jones, Avowed, Hellblade II and more

Remember the worst part of Uncharted, was actually the combat mechanics. The shooting was never good. The rest was great. That’s why the ID tech combat is going to be far better, hopefully the cinematic animations and story land.

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I agree. I know why they’re showing it that way but as long as I can turn the black bars off, I will be happy!!

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I don’t want an Uncharted clone I wanted the game Uncharted was a poor attempt at if that makes sense. I want Xbox to compete with those big Sony 3rd person Action Adventure games, while not being a soley 3rd person A/A platform like Sony has become. I don’t want to buy a PS ever again, but still wish I could get a couple of their style games on Xbox every few years. I was also bummed because of Perfect Dark remaining 1st person. We have Halo and COD that cover that they could have rebooted it into a Splinter Cell style Stealth/ Spy game and I felt it would have been much better. I’ll still play both on Gamepass, but I would not have bought them if Gamepass was not an option.


I agree completely with you. When Indy was announced a few years ago I was hoping so much it would be third person, because I want to see Indiana Jones, I want to see the animations, some would say a copy of Tomb Raider or Uncharted, I say make it like the other Indy game called Emperor’s Tomb. But knowing it was MachineGames I went with the expectation it would be first person. But then the rumors about a mix of third and first, and I guess it is, I just hoped for a better balance.

But I have no doubt it’s going to be a great game. But I do understand people that wanted a third person action adventure and are disappointed now, it’s fine to feel that way.

I’d be lying if I didn’t wish their next game big game was based off an existing big IP. HB2 looks great tho.

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I agree that xbox has plenty of first person games and I would also have preferred to see Indy and Avowed as 3rd person games. I still think they both look really good though. A lot of these studios just have a lot of experience with first person games so it’s also not too surprising. Hopefully we’ll see some of them give 3rd person games a go like Arkane is doing with Blade.

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Which in my opinion gave Xbox a chance at making a better game. Have the Coalition help with the 3rd person shooting and cover and then do traversal and puzzles like Tomb Raider and Uncharted. Take the best parts improve the worst parts and make something awesome. Also, I wouldn’t consider something a copy if it is better than what it supposedly copied, but let’s be honest every game has copied from every game before it so.

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People forget that the ones making Indy also made Chronicles of Riddick Escape from Butcher bay. Indy will be just fine I think. If I wanted Uncharted or TR I would just play them.


Going to wait to watch the ESO stuff because I want to get some gaming done and I don’t want to be distracted when I do.

My general comment about this D_D: Hats off. Congratulations Xbox, once again. We want one of these every June and several every year if possible.


IGN was really salty in the post show for hellblade not havign a physical release. im assuming none of them play on pc


Avowed simply just aint it.

Only thing from the Direct i enjoyed was Indy. Glad to see Machinegames is still doing their thing.

2024 is looking pretty bare from Xbox for my tastes. From Forza in October to Hellblade 2 in May how is Xbox still having almost an 8 month long gap in their first party lineup in year 4 of the console gen? Its baffling.

Yep and they even got the name wrong (Sacrifice - which was the first game).


At this point nobody should care about what IGN has to say about anything.


If people can copy Nintendo Direct and be cool, I think they should copy Xbox Developer_Direct.

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The irony of a digital site which helped put the gaming print industry basically out of business complaining about the lack of a physical release for a game is amazing to me. Lol, IGN sucks. :smile:


I am BLOWN AWAY with Indiana Jones. By far my most anticipated game of the year now. It looks so fun and soooo Indy! 10/10 hype


Really pleased with what was shown today, I have a feeling I am going to be putting a loooot of time into Avowed. Would have liked to have seen more of the dialogue system but I don’t mind waiting, suppose it’s better not to have some of the quests spoiled.

Combat looked like a blast as well, people are shitting on it but I don’t need my RPGs to have state of the art combat and animations, that’s not why I play those kinds of games.

Side note, it is interesting to see the narrative shift over on places like the OtherEra, now that Xbox have a steady cadence of first party releases, the outrage is that with Hellblade releasing in May, there will have been 7 months between first party releases (the horror).

Like, what? I mean we had 4 in 2023, and we are set for at least 5 this year if we include what was shown today + COD. Is any other platform holder matching that output? We are in an era of gaming where developing games takes longer than ever, I’m not sure why people are expecting new exclusives every other month.

Edit: 8 first party in 2023 apparently, as kindly pointed out below, even more impressive!


Welcome to XboxEra!!!

Microsoft released 8 first party games in 2023. 5 of them were console exclusive to Xbox.