Xbox announces Developer_Direct for January 18th - Indiana Jones, Avowed, Hellblade II and more

Avowed looked great. I knew Obsidian would improve the presentation over the last trailer and make it look like those Xbox Wire screen shots. The game has a very strong art direction that really shines in the brighter environments with the lighting.

I’m glad that Xbox is opening up DD to third party games (Square Enix). A lot of folks felt that they would keep it to Xbox games only, but I thought with the format of DD it made a lot of sense to include partner publishers.

Ara seems sooooo similar to Civ V.

It’s interesting that only Hellblade got dated and the rest of the games appear to be coming in the Fall. Xbox loves launching stuff at the end of the year.

Just inject that Indy game straight into my veins please. It was funny seeing Todd steal the gold idol in the blurred background.


I liked the show

Nice to have a release date for hellblade 2. It is a long time that this (beautiful) game is showed and marketed so it is a good thing that we will be finally able to get our hand on it in may

Avowed was the best thing of the show for me. I was a little concerned with the game after the trailer of last year. Now I am fully reassured on the visuals, combat and story

Ara history seems to be a good 4x but I avoid this genre of game as it is too much time-consuming for me. However the simultaneous-turn system has driven my curiosity

Indiana Jones just provide a good vibe. You already know you will have a good time playing this game. It immediately calls you for the adventure

I live in bruxelles so I’ve also looked the developer direct through the scope of the most famous french journalist-youtuber in gaming.

As usual Xbox has some difficulty to convince the large public, there is a lot of judgement on the visuals of games presented. “Yes it is nice but is it next gen”.

Just hope that those games are as good as they seemed to be for me and that they become popular enough to overcome this recurring negativity of large public


As an adult, I wonder how these people deal with real world problems? I wouldn’t have any faith in them to help make a better community or business to progress in this world. They are hating on video games and gamers. This is a luxury hobby. I don’t partake in gaming social media, other than Xboxera. It’s fortunate to have some fun conversations with like minded gamers, hope I even have time to play all the great games, then go back to real life. :stuck_out_tongue:


Gratz to MachineGames, Indy looked so good, first person thank god, and 2024! hope they nail the gameplay and make it challenging, loved all i saw even tho i’m no Indiana Jones fan.

Bit sad about Avowed, definitely not what i thought it’d be a couple years ago, but as a RPG lover and a Obsidian fan, it’s still probably my most anticipated game for this year, combat didn’t look bad imo, some animations weren’t that good tho but we’ll see, E3 is their next stop.

ARA was another good surprise! will probably give that genre my first try, got some friends addicted to Civ games so they have to be great, as for Hellblade 2, not my kind of game but it looks great graphically. And that Mana game from Square was the “uhm ok” moment for me.

Now it’s all about delivering, quality over quantity, so time to pray these games end up being great

Very solid show, better than last year’s one imo, and it could get even better next year if they have Fable and Perfect Dark.


I didnt know much about ara till I saw this and it looks cool. I hope it comes to xbox at some point


I remember seeing grounded and being so disappointed thats the next thing from obsidian and the first xbox exclusive they made but now grounded is my game of the generation. I have 100% faith in them. I think avowed is gonna kill it


I’m probably the worst person when it comes to judging how a game looks, because while I thought everything looked great.

The first thing I’m going to do when I play any of the games shown off is lower the brightness and increase the contrast, because too me a games look, style, colors just pop so much more after doing so.


#1 trending.


Got stuck with some crap at work so only catching up now. I’m not taking anyone disappointed with Avowed seriously. Biggest glow up in like 6 months ever.


Those of you looking to nitpick and analyze gaps between Microsoft releases, you are forgetting they released COD MW3 in November of 2023. :salt:




AVOWED! is my kinda game but hell everything i seen today was really impressed!


Seen some complaints about the weak visuals for the powers, but I like it. Not every skill needs to be a huge bombastic vomit of colours like Dragon’s dogma or FF. It makes the stronger spells stand out a bit more.


Its more the enemies hardly react to getting hit, in that twitter vid they just do a slight stutter. Making a combat focused trailer when the impact of the combat doesnt look great, isnt the way to sell the game.

The spells themself look fine.

Hopefully the RPG aspects of the game are fully fleshed out.


Yep! Massive graphical upgrade! Now we just need to learn more about those decisions they talked, skill and upgrade system, missions, weapons, classes…etc etc and BUALA! I hope they can improve the hit reactions though. I dont think it will be complicated considering how much the managed to improve in 6 months since we last saw it but I dont know how that works.

Fantastic presentation!

Avowed: My most anticipated game. Can’t wait to play it.

Hellblade 2: How can this game look even better every time they show it?!

Visions of Mana: Not familiar with the games, but it looks great.

Ara: Every time I see it I get more interested. It’s obvious that a lot of care and thought was put into it. Love what they are doing with the “living world”.

Indiana Jones: Not a fan of the films, but the game looks excellent, especially with the first person perspective. Not sure if I would be as impressed if it was in third.

But the real star of the show, is the show itself!

What a great format. Every detail was perfect.


I love the DD format the most. Puting the spotlight on the studios, showing us who they are and how they work adds a lot to my appreciation of the games. Video games journalists could spend a lot more time telling us how and why games are made. It looks like Microsoft is filling that gap.All the first party games look great. I feel confident about Avowed, I am fascinated by Indiana Jones, curious about Ara, and surprised by Hellblade 2.

My biggest surprise though is that Microsoft is giving the red carpet treatment to Square Enix when they refuse to develop exclusive games for Microsoft, and when their multiplatform games keep skipping Xbox. There are a lot of Japanese developers who would have deserved this spot better than Square Enix. And frankly I’m not sure Square Enix was even grateful of that attention because Oyamada isn’t exactly a rockstar. He’s got a couple of remasters under his belt and a cancelled game with Echoes of Mana.

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Watched the show this morning and managed to go in blind. Thought it was a very good show and Indy has me really hyped. If I can whip a nazi into a headbutt then it’s just a 10/10 game. I’m expecting hellblade 2 to be about the same length as the first just with everything stepped up like visuals, sound and combat which sounds perfect. Avowed looked great and I’m really looking forward to the obsidian dna of choice being at the core of the game, maybe not to the scale of BG3 but something along the line of new Vegas will mean I could be replaying the game with different styles a few different times.

It doesn’t look as good as Red Redemption 2, so it’s instantly disappointing.