Xbox announces Developer_Direct for January 18th - Indiana Jones, Avowed, Hellblade II and more

@Shpeshal_Nick on twitter just made me realize something. Hellblade 2 has those damn black bars on the top and bottom of the screen which is weird because the first game doesn’t have that. Hope I can turn them off.


I think avowed is gonna be the best game of all the games shown today but i think they are all gonna be great


I wouldn’t sleep on Avowed, just like how Fallout New Vegas was being slept on before because of jankyness etc.


At least allow us to adjust the screen, so that we can push the bars out of the picture.

Speaking off, Hellblade 2 is looking great, hopefully with less puzzles than one, as it’s rare for me to enjoy a games where puzzles are one of the main game mechanics.

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My thought on Ninja Theory and Hellblade 2 still hasn’t changed, they created a super realistic world that I feel I will enjoy. They also, want us to connect to Senua first, before we experience the world they have build along side her.

Watching the history of Mana, is making me wish for a Collection down the line.

Also, freaking love the designs for Mana’s monsters. Those sketches are look really fun.

The combo potential showed off at the 20:52-21:04, could be something wild to watch in the hands of someone who practices them a lot. That’s if there’s not too much of a cool down.

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Otherera melting down because of first person perspective is hilarious to me. Or maybe it’s something more than that……lol

Obsidian is one of the most slept on developers, it’s crazy to me.

They wanted to hate on it to begin with, plus Sony fanboys , third person etc , etc.


Ooh, now they’re going into the combos LoL!

I think some people( A.K.A. Fanboys) just wants Xbox as a whole to fail in all honesty. If Obsidian was third party or a Sony studio, I guarantee the tune will be different. Give those folks some water Sony lol.


Talking about Avowed:

I have never seen such a massive upgrade from one showing of a game to the following.

Simply wow.


Going to give my opinion which will probably receive some hate and that’ll be that. I just have to get it off my chest.

Indiana Jones - I knew it was coming, but I still hate to see it, another first person Xbox game. I was at least hoping when they said 1st and 3rd that you could swap between them like Starfield, but no. Let’s tease everyone with 3rd person cinimatics and “traversal” but force you to play the game like Elder Scrolls or Fallout. We want you to see Indy but only every once in a while. My excitement for it just dropped honestly. They had a chance to blow Tomb Raider and Uncharted, which both stole Indy’s style, out of the water, but instead it feels like they want us to play Wolfenstein Indy.

Hellblade - While the graphics look awesome, unless the combat is improved 300% and the puzzles are gone or simplified It isn’t doing it for me. I’ll give it a chance, but I only got about 30 minutes or so into the first one and got tired of having to look up Youtube videos on how to beat the puzzles in order to progress and lost interest in the core gameloop fast after that. Here’s to hoping!!

Avowed - It looks good, but I am not a fan of the Obsidian/Bethesda First person RPG Starfield is the most I have played of one of their type of games and only have a few hours into that. I hope it is good for those that enjoy that style.

Arra - Honestly not my genre, but glad there are options for others.

Visions of Mana - I am 50/50 on. I love FF style JRPG’s but have only ever really played FF and a few other Square games. I am sure the mechanics and gameplay are all solid for sure, but I kind of hate everything but FF is still in that Cartoony style Just wish we could get more realistic JRPG’s similar to FF. Still I am sure I will play it and still have hope we get FF7 and FF16 this year to scratch that itch.

It was a great show overall and glad Xbox is getting games out now, but I can’t say I am not dissapointed in Indiana being 1st person because it isn’t like Xbox is short on those. I hope Hellblade is a huge improvement over the first in gameplay. I am sure other then Arra I will give the others a try in Gamepass.

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People wanted an uncharted clone, and it’s nice they’re not doing that. Plus, Crystal is making a new tomb raider for that crowd


Ara looks incredible, but I suck at Strategy and resource management games.

Guftafsson just went out there and said it was an FPS immediately, lol!

Hey it’s just your opinion, nothing wrong with that

That being said, I have absolutely no issue with first or third person, I just want a good game and quite frankly I never had much interest in something that played like Uncharted so I’m glad they are doing something different

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Unfortunately I think Xbox will always get hate for this reason.

Unless they start acquiring studios like Crystal, Eidos, IOI and Remedy which specialise in these games, it will be a case of waiting on Ninja Theory every 5-6 years (and some would argue Hellblade isn’t the most mass appeal game either).


I wonder how puzzle heavy Indy will be, because puzzles feel like it’s a major part of the game.

The game is looking fantastic, here’s hoping for both Indy and Hellblade 2 that I can get through the puzzles with minimal problems.


When they showed it last year at TGA my first thought was exactly that, can we disable that. But I do get why they are showing it like this, it gives off a very cinematic vibe because of those bars. Perhaps that’s exactly why they went for this. Assuming we can’t disable it.

I just hope to god the rumors about the leaked scrip are dead wrong, because…wow, no thanks.

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