Xbox announces Developer_Direct for January 18th - Indiana Jones, Avowed, Hellblade II and more

Would be yawn inducing, save third party stuff for the Partner Previews and Summer Shows.


As big as Shadow of the Erdtree would be to show off, I agree 100% I love that these have been 100% published by MS and I hope that continues.


Agreed. The reason why DDs are so hyped is because they are first party only.

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The developer direct is going to basically be there direct like Nintendo anyway and state of plays and Nintendo directs have third party content. Let the main focus be first party but have some third party spice it up. Doesn’t take away from it

Conkers Bad Fur Day 2 is a rumour going around.

Started here

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But wasn’t it said recently here that the rumored 5th game would be nothing shocking? A new Conker would shock plenty.

Is there enough time for a 5th game?

Apparently it’s 48 minutes which is 4 minutes longer than last years, so yeah I think there would be plenty of time for a 5th game if they have one.

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If there is a 5th game im totally fine with it being a third/second party title.

Ara isn’t first party right? Oxide isn’t owned by MS. It could be Silksong as the original was announced on Jan 18 and released a few weeks later. The game has Xbox market and is day one in game pass.

I wouldn’t want the D_D to go to far with 3rd party but if it’s a significant game releasing in a few weeks I’m down with that. Otherwise that partner gets no showcase if released before a partner showcase.

On the other hand Viva Pinata 3 baby!

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I wasn’t aware of the length. Perhaps there is time…

Ara is published and Funded by MS, It’s unknown who owns the I.P. I think, but I would assume MS.

Unless they’re acquiring Team Cherry…

yeah no

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Avowed looks cool but that combat?? Yikes :nauseated_face:

Avowed looks great. Combat looks fine and varied. Really excited for this one. Its my type of game


yeah Avowed looks hot, shame it’s so far away.


I can’t express what it means to be able to play a Mana title on Xbox, to me this is massive, so I can see why they wanted to do a deep dive.

Edit: Also, not that I need to beat it for the 13th time, but a Mana collection would be rad; would love some SoM bleep bloops.


Okay, becoming a believer on this new Square friendship.

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Did I mishear it or did one of the NT devs say the game is shorter? That would be…a bit surprising because if anything I’d expect it to be longer or at least as long.