Xbox Acquisition |OT6| If this is about competition, let us have competition

Step 1: Buy Viacom Step 2: Rework Nickelodeon away from the SpongeBob madness that it is and make an overwatch show. Profit!

What’s this

Edit. Must be this


Capcom + SEGA!

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As some have said, what prevents the CMA for replicating the stupid cloud concerns arguments if they were to evaluate any other purchase?

This sucks soooooo much.



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The size of the deal makes a huge difference

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If that is the case it only confirms the CMA is shitting the pants falling into the “big company buys big company is defacto bad” panic mode.


Now where are the people saying Xbox shouldn’t do third party deals for exclusives ……


Ubisoft, Sega, CDPR, for example should be no problem i imagine. If MS appeal? the ABK deal will probably drag on till end of 2023 or more. So much time is already wasted. Go after other easier to get PUB’S.

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They still should buy for Gamepass so content don’t leave. Just go for smaller strategic PUB’S/Studio’s. There are still many left.

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Xbox Gamers - I want Ubisoft, SEGA or CDPR

MS - We just bought 5 mobile companies, brrrrrr.


Bring it back Phil!

They can do both. With the 70 billion from ABK deal failing, they can buy all them and still have like 20 billion leftover lol.

I can’t believe that the CMA blocks on the Cloud. What joke ! I have never seen Western organizations fight so hard to protect the monopoly and anti-competitive practices of an Asian company.

Do you think acquisitions are blocked until 2024 or Microsoft will still acquire studios by then? I think it’s time to pull out the checkbook and sign dozens of exclusives with XGP.

i think for ms doing gamepass deals is almost like a third exclusive

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But now it should come with a caveat that it wont be available to the other platform.


I think the Internet will implode if the deals runs into 2024.

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I feel vindicated. I got booed for saying Xbox should be more aggressive and go back to their old ways lol.


As bad as it sounds, I think folks will stop caring as much once the games hit lol